Military Service and the Chickenhawk Issue

I'd like to make my thoughts on military service as clear as I can, in case anyone misunderstood my stance on the current conflict in Iraq and the right of the people to hold and express opinions concering such. Like Norbizness, I agree that those who haven't served have the right to voice their opinions. The last thing I would favor would be a military led society where those who didn't serve are considered second class citizens. I also feel that lack of service is NOT a sign of cowardice, unless the person who didn't serve is constantly foaming at the mouth and calling for war, war, war and persistently questioning the patriotism of those opposed to a particular military conflict.

I have no problem with anyone not serving. It is clearly not for everyone. My issue is with those who constantly advocate for war while screaming "the threat, the threat, the threat", all the while staying safe and secure in the sanctity of their living rooms. It leads me to question the sincerity of the individual doing the chest-thumping.

Really, how much of a threat exists if the people screaming loudest for war continue to do absolutely nothing for themselves? What kind of a person would madly advocate for war, question the patriotism of those who disagree with that war and then sit on sidelines while others do the dying? Not a person that I would respect. If you want to scream for war, fine. Now that you've done your screaming, get off your asses and do something about it instead of cowering in fear and making excuses.

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