Death Toll Rises As Coverup Continues

Thomas R. Eddlem of The New American on War Under False Pretense:

President Bush was able to play up the uranium issue only by ignoring his own intelligence agencies. According to CIA Director George Tenet, the CIA did warn the Bush administration that the evidence supporting the claim that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from Africa was unreliable. Tenet’s July 11th mea culpa, parts of which the media quoted heavily, also contained the following account: "[CIA] officials who were reviewing the draft remarks [in the State of the Union speech] on uranium raised several concerns about the fragmentary nature of the intelligence with National Security Council colleagues. Some of the language was changed. From what we know now, Agency officials in the end concurred that the text in the speech was factually correct — i.e. that the British government report said that Iraq sought uranium from Africa." That is, the administration resorted to relating what the British report said because it knew that the evidence supporting the allegation was fragmentary.

Yep, forget that stuff about real proof. Just play word games and pass it off as legit. Nothing wrong with that, unless you object to people dying at the whim of the Administration. I mean, who really cares about the dead and wounded GI's and Iraqis? Certainly not the pro-war crowd. If they did, they'd have gotten off their asses and sacrificed themselves to protect the homeland. They didn't, and as a result its really damned difficult for me to take them seriously when they pander about screaming "the threat, the threat, the threat". There was no threat.

Even the much-touted huge stockpiles of Iraqi chemical and biological weapons have not been proven to exist. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer warned on September 6th of last year there "is already a mountain of evidence that Saddam Hussein is gathering weapons for the purpose of using them. And adding additional information is like adding a foot to Mount Everest." But the White House’s mountain of evidence hasn’t amounted to a molehill. President Bush said the Iraqi regime possessed "thousands of tons of chemical agents" in an October 2, 2002 Cincinnati speech. Those thousands of tons must have evaporated by July 13th of this year, when Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told NBC’s Tim Russert that Iraq possessed only a "relatively small amount of very lethal chemical or biological weapons or capability."

In other words, the Administration grossly exaggerated, which isn't a far cry from lying. As I said before, if lying about a blowjob can get you impeached, surely lies that get people killed are far worse and deserving of appropriate punishment. Unless, of course, you're an apologist for those who share your ideological compass and willing to sacrifice other people's sons and daughters while you sit on your ass, stuffing Cheetos down your gullet and screaming – "Traitor" to all opposed.

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