Vets and Common Sense

Over the weekend, I was one of the grateful recipients of a thank you letter sent to members of Veterans for Common Sense by sociologist James Roger Brown:

I am sorry if anyone construes this as junk mail, but I wanted to commend each of you for participating in an organization attempting to bring together Veterans, common sense and the issues of war and peace. To my knowledge there was nothing like Veterans For Common Sense when I was in the Army.

I read the BBC article about Eric Gustafson. In the spirit of what Mr. Gustafson is attempting to do, I thought I might contribute to the effort some hindsight on the unaddressed consequences of becoming a Veteran in the form of one of my recent political commentary columns for Slick Plus 2 (see below). Any of you who feel it may benefit others feel free to pass it along.

Thank you all for your efforts.

James Roger Brown

You're welcome Mr. Brown, and thank you for what you've done. Speaking out like you've done, in this time of lock-step conformity and false patriotism takes a lot of courage.

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