My Beliefs

As far as my beliefs go, I am a libertarian and many of my viewpoints may be considered conservative, moderate or liberal, depending on the observer. I pledge allegiance to no party and no one gets my vote without earning it. Neither Gore or Bush have earned my vote and neither will get it.

I believe in getting government out of every single part of my life that I possibly can. Government should:

Stop asking me about my race and telling me what boxes I can and can’t check.

Stop defining what a family is and isn’t and get completely out of the marriage business.

Stop subsidizing art and stop trying to censor it as well. If you don’t like it, then don’t look at it, and STOP making me pay for it.

Stop taking my damn money and telling me that I probably won’t spend it correctly. I don’t normally buy $300 toilet seats, except when my money is taken in the form of taxes and spent by unelected bureaucrats who have little accountability.

Stop telling me how to raise my children. That’s my job.

Stop disarming me and telling me to rely on the police for protection. The Supreme Court has already ruled that police protection is NOT a right. I have several family members in law enforcement and not a single one of them suggests living unarmed and vulnerable. I’m going to shoot back and protect my family, not wait for some cop who may or may not come in time, if at all. (I’ve had a family member murdered, so the victim disarmament crowd can save their emotional arguments for someone who doesn’t know any better. I have my own sob story and don’t want to hear your modified third hand version of someone else’s.) If you don’t like guns, don’t keep one, but stop telling me to be a victim. You don’t have that right, you’re not here to protect me, and I won’t do it.

Stop gutting the Bill of rights with The Drug War which is currently the single biggest threat to liberty in America today. The Drug War has us brought such wonderful things as no-knock warrants, scared 11 year-olds getting “accidentally” shot in the back, racial profiling, airport strip searches (sexual assualt in my book), and asset forfeiture without a conviction to name a few. The Drug War’s effect on drug dealing has only been to increase it and make it more profitable. Drug Dealers like The Drug War because it keeps the price of their product inflated. Both major parties know this, but still, we keep shooting 11 year-olds in the back and causing elderly Americans to have heart attacks and strokes with no-knock warrant searches on the wrong houses, etc.

That’s enough for now.

This entry also posted at Yahoo! Groups – Interracial Conservatives.

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