

Yes, I’ve reinstituted an old school Guest Book. Feel free to say hello. This is not the place for long conversations. You can email me at the Contact Me page above for such conversations.

Over the last 20 years, GeoCities, Dream Book, Mambook and other services and plugins have powered this Guest Book. Now, everything is back in one place.

So, you know the deal. Say hello, leave a quick note, introduce yourself, whatever. 🙂

Thanks for visiting!




  1. I enjoyed reading your bio, as I am from Peoria, too. I would like to know more about becoming more active to further the acceptance of multiracial families. Have any suggestions? I couldn’t get your poetry, however.

  2. I really think you are either a member of the boule, or a mason or high on crack to be listed on if not i hope you have a black parent because this is for you. if not take what fits you. Believe it or not interacial sex, marriage originally started due to slavery and war, and you are just a product of the mentallity of domination or acceptance. You lost poor whatever!!! because that is exactly who you are. you are in search of an identity. because neither your black mother or father did not love who they were, so they crossed over to the enemy, or they were some poor foreigner who didn’t like th ir country, so they took some service man as a means to escape. what does mutiracial means anyway “that you have the best of both worlds” or that you can be some kind of “go between” the races. i tell you this, no matter how much you cry out in this socie y, your voice will be passed over, as it should be, because total muticultralism will not be tolerated anywhere. Look at History!!!! You will have to choose sides someday and you kids may have to choose as well. Because racism will always exist until one ace has destroyed all other races. it is happening before your eyes. the white man of europe and america has for centuries destroyed culture after culture after people after people and continues to do so up to today, but now they have gone beyond race unt life it very self. They are destroying land polluting rivers and killing various animals known and unknown and depleting the ozone. Like i said before even though you scream i’m muticultral!!,i’m muticultral there will come a time you will have to choose so choose fast. I have one last comment for you and that is if one of your parents were black, Have you passed the brown paper bag test yet? i bet with flying colors. Have you no pride!!! ohh i forgot you may have a little too much of nothing. and by the way I am the owner,the maker, the cream of the planet earth, father of civilization and god of the Universe. -A Black Man among millions and millions I will not mention my e-mail address because i feel that it is not needed. Peace

  3. Thanks for what you are doing. I am a black woman married to a Englishman, so the multiracial children subject is very important to me. Thanks Again S. P.S. I would put my email address, but some nutcase might try and harass me.

  4. I am in the process of developing my own interracial support group and I appreciate all your information about the multiracial community. Anyone in the Ft.Lauderdale area interested in joining this group please send your email to

  5. This is an AMAZING site! I was especially impressed with your advocacy letters. Your motivation is inspiring. I’ll be sure to check back often now that I’ve found your site.

  6. Hi James: I have had the privilege of working with you in the past and I must say that you are still the same caring and admirable person that you always naturally have been. You have a beautiful family. Keep on fighting for what is right. Being that I am also what they would consider within society to be a “mixed breed or in some cases rudely called a mut”. I truly support your actions, your views and how you are trying to bring the understanding of multicultural differences. Whether people realize it or not, it is a problem and you are definitely doing an excellent job in putting it out there and actively seeking a solution. Take care and keep up the good work.

  7. Just interested in your last name. In my father’s branch of the Landrith family, there are no more by that name, due to his having all girls. He was born in or around Flat Rock Illnois to Enoch Washington Landrith who died when he was 13. He was born in 1903 to Enoch and Mary Jane (Magill), the youngest child. He was a teacher for over 35 years, teaching business. Just wondering if you’ve ever heard of Enoch. Evelyn

    Comment by Evelyn Landrith Moorhead — 5/27/2003 @ 2:04 am

  8. “Mr. Landrith,

    I wanted to let you know that, earlier today (actually, it would be yesterday… Wednesday), I updated my weblog. I finally added my third Veterans Day entry – it is down my main page, dated for 11/11, and below my two other Veterans Day entries. That entry mentions you and your blog (as does the top Veterans Day entry, and at least one of my older entries), and I have also added your great site as one of the “”Blogs of the Week”” featured at the top portion of my side bar. I have three blogs listed there now – one of a libertarian veteran, one of a conservative Republican veteran, and one of a Democratic veteran.

    I should have done this a little bit sooner… But I guess it’s never too late, in the Blogosphere, to show respect to our heroes.

    Anyway, I hope that you and yours have a great holiday.


  9. Nice site keep doing what you’re doing, I to am a father of a Multiracial family and everyone needs to learn it’s not about skin color! It’s about who the person is.


  11. This is a great site (very informative) I am a bi-racial woman in search of “deeper understanding” of my past, present, and future….

  12. We would like for you to move to phoenix Az on the south side. we have gang bangers who love white people as long as you do the drugs they sell you . cause the way they see it is if you don’t do drugs you must be a cop and then thay don’t like you and they don’t like me.

  13. resistance are not tolerant of others but at least thats not what they preach like moreass sleaze southern lies office he’s not to tolerant when a white guy wears a national alliance shirt but he sure don’t say much when it comes to the labor day massicure of 3 white people of texas or the cops who killed the white guys in phx you know why cause theres no out crywhen was the last time your colored better half helped you get white rights? white people are horrable people mean spirited but we are the ones that are trying to get coloreds their rights .did you know the Gods of Europe like Oden did not talk of slavery as did the Bible the bible says if you take a slave they are not to be of your country isnt that sick God sayed dont make slaves of your own counrty men also god sayed in deuter 7 to kill the people of the land and tare down thier graven images (god) god respects thatbut i say oden didnt teach this and if the jew didnt bring his bible the races would of had a much better repore indians would not have been sloughterd blacks would not have been enslaved and i could be back in Europe theres a jew named freedman he dont like the zionist he told on the jews evil plot and hes a jew Henry Ford was aginst the jews in the elders of zionmatthew the 3rd chapter Jonh the bapt welcomed the Judenits and jer.U.S.A.lems but said the jews where not to come cause they are brood of vipers(satan) moses wanted to be seporated from all the other races of the earth and God grated it. the bible is very racist jesus even said that israel will get the bread to eat and the gentiles can eat what ever crumbs off the floor indcating if israel has mercy on you but its all the conflicts of all the races aganst israel where god kills the other races who war with israel thats why the bible should be burned its all a lie where can saten tell the truth and god agree geni 3: 28 eve tells saten i cant eat the tree i will die god said Saten says you wont die for if you eat the tree god knows you’ll be like him to know good & evil so eve eats the fruit and god says what is this you have done 3 :28 behold the man has become like one of us . so saten told the truth .eve did not die. :cwm15: ernst i mention him cause hes proof that after thay kill the speaking thay”ll come for the mute.jesus told a man that he cured not to tell people that it was him but to say it was a nother man thats decietful . burn your bible have you heard of the C.D.L if your going to continue being a christan contact them or the K.K.Kdont do the self destuctive judaochristian the jews want the blacks to thank america will be thiers but thay plan on taking it from the blacks so black man dont let them win if we hang to gether we wont hang seporatly .know what i mean. good luck with ousting the jewish mind control of the bible dave

    1. Not sure what to do with this. Dude, I’m not a fan of your “white” nationalist collectivism, nor am I a Christian as you falsely infer in your entry. I’m agnostic and have no love for those who worship at the altar of skin color collectivism, regardless of political ideology.

  14. Great site.I am an Indian man married to a Japanese woman.I notice a lot of racist sites on the internet that frown upon interracial relationships. I think these racists are a cancer upon society. Fortunately only a small minority of people are like that, and getting smaller.Harjit

  15. It is a welcome feeling that there are levelheaded conservatives out there, and to know that there is more to conservativism than mindless bickering and hate mongering unlike the far right would like you believe.

  16. I really enjoy the articles on your site.

    I just happen to stumble on your site. Glad I did.

    I am the founder of Today’s Woman is a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18. We offer a useful selection of services including author interviews, regular columns , interactive forums, and a place to share your writing for critiques by your peers. Join today and be apart of a fantastic community.

  17. Hello.Would you be willing to spread the word about It’s a site dedicated to shattering the myths surrounding the selective slavery system and building mass civil disobedience to stop the draft before it starts!Our banner on a website, printing and posting the anti-draft flyer or just telling friends would help.Thanks!

    Scott Kohlhaas

    PS: When it comes to the draft, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

  18. Found your webring and this blog through AMU. I will be taking some time to read through your postings and archives. Seems like you have quite a wealth of information here.Nice to see a fellow Alexandrian -and- AMU student being so prolific and well-spoken. Thank you !


  20. Hi James, just found this page. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your site, and try and check on it each day as you always have something interesting to read or think about. Your design and layout is just great and so user friendly. I want to do a blog about your site when I can (time is so busy right now, and I also have turtlenet at this time. DIAL UP!!) Your blog is already widely read, but I think a few of my readers would enjoy and it would be helpful to them if they knew more about your blog.Anyway, hope things are going well for you. Drop me an email every now and then to say hi!!Katie

  21. is nice to see you are still as passionate as always james continued success i hope just dont end up like the DJ in talk radio ok once twice 3 is the limit anything more would be uncalled for

  22. James,Could not find your email address. So next best would be to post on your Guestbook. Thought you maybe interested in the below as a Marine Veteran.Do you know of any Marine or Marine Veteran Owned Businesses ? Of course, this also applies to FMF Corpsman.Wouldn’t it be great for a Marine Owned Business Directory to exist that covers all 50 states ?A directory that is FREE to the Marine Owned business and FREE for people to view ?A great way to network, to know where we would want to spend our dollars, etc ? Every state has a subdirectory.I know, if I knew of a local Real Estate Agent who was a Marine, I would do business with them. What about a CPA? A plumbing business ? A painting business ? Or even a local watering hole that is a Marine Owned business within your State ?http://www.USMCDirectory.comSo if you know of any Marine who owns a Business, please let them know of the site…. All they have to do is sent an email to: with the following basic info:Please include: Business name, owner name, phone number, website (if you have one), contact email (if you have one), business address and what the business does. We will be more than happy to add the information to the appropriate state link. Once we receive and validate, we will post the business under the State they are located.This was just started with the hope to help out our fellow Marines, both the Marine Business owners and also potential customers.It is all about our Veterans. Please feel free to share this with all Marines you know.Semper Fi!

  23. I am interested in and working on advocacy for men’s issues and just wanted to say hello…great website, and if you ever would like to chat I’m on Adium (Yahoo messenger) at time4u420.

    AT ME 336-722-6262….G…

    Thu 6/4/2009 7:38 PM

  25. …………..We just dropped by to say Thank You for the Add and wish you All The Best!….Gary …

    Wed 8/5/2009 2:51 AM

  26. Happy Birthday! You never know I could still have the baby on your birthday…probably not. He is stubborn just like your brother. Well anyway hope you have a great day!

    Tue 9/15/2009 10:33 PM

  27. Awww omg u didn’t say nothing about being ur birthday today!!


    Thu 9/16/2010 8:59 PM


    Thu 9/16/2010 9:58 PM

  29. “The survivor [. . .] is a disturber of the peace. He is a runner of the blockade men erect against knowledge of “unspeakable” things. About these he aims to speak, and in so doing he undermines, without intending
    to, the validity of existing norms. He is a genuine transgressor, and here he is made to feel real guilt. The world to which he appeals does not admit him, and since he has looked to this world as the source of
    moral order, he begins to doubt himself….. The survivor’s worst torment is not to be able to speak.”
    Terence Des Pres

    Fri 10/15/2010 10:27 AM

  30. Happy Thanksgiving James. I hope you had a great day. You have been kind of quite on FB lately. I have been missing your humor and educated posts. Hope things are well for you. Hugs

    Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 9:57 pm

  31. thanks so very much for connecting with me. we have many things in common ! first my son-in-law is a marine in san diego. he is career military. second, i am a strong advocate for survivors of domestic violence. i’m looking forward to getting to know you much better. sam

    Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 10:17 pm


    Fri 3/4/2011 5:50 AM

  33. …..i am……f.e.m.i.n.i.s.t…..!! for ” Change The World ”
    write,speak,share,spread the Word,make your own proposal,involved your work community,spread the Word and make poesy,with this Project…..of The United Nations ( U.N ) & UN WOMEN.
    The Project start on november with the speech below,by President of EE.UU, Barack Obama in New York,UN assembly, like John Kennedy on Berlin….i am…feminist…!! for change the world, women are the key for change,and the POPE Francisco, make the same speech on VATICANE, ROME.., surprising the people over world. can change the world too, …be expeditive,be creative,be corageous,be altruist, be you….!!
    Thanks for your interested , and many thanks for your contribution to a bertter world, thanks for your creativity, for your intellegence and for your courage….thanks in my name , in the name of all iinvolved at this absurd, uthopic and fascinant project, thanks in the name of United Nations ( U.N. ) , and many thanks in the name of millions womens,girls and childs arround the world, you are an inspiration and example for us , and for them….
    Wellcome to he biggest net of activist for change the world, and the most global fith columne, the all countries,international institutions, religions institutions, governments administrations, think-tanks, finance world,univeristies, NGOS, foundations, human rights associattions, womens nationals federations, multinationals the all sectors, knowledges centres of each area, and particulars the all sexual, social and policy condition, sex, age, religion confession, ethic, philosophy, ethnic…
    You have a power, and this is well , but is a responsability too, the responsability of export your knowledges, creativity, intelligence, sensibility,empathy and resources at all you can trough an altruist way.
    The United Nations ( U.N. ) & UN WOMEN ; ” Change The World Programme ”
    IT IS WOMAN…S.T.U.P.Y.D.S,..!! Not is economy,policy,religions,finance world,culture,education,arts,science,love,sex or fall in love.
    WOMEN WORLDWIDE SPRING REVOLUTION 2015 ; The last humanity re-evolution for change world and STOP stupyds MEN wars,MEN econony, MEN policies, MEN religions, MEN education, MEN culture, MEN science, MEN communication, MEN journalism, MEN sports, MEN sense life, MEN relationships, MEN bussines, MEN press, MEN love, MEN sex and MEN fall in love.
    I AM………..F.E.M.i.N.i.S.T……!!! UN WOMEN world campaign….
    Kiss of love , or french kiss for the true way of relation ourself, others, world, espiritual,earth, space, love, sex or fall in love.
    ………remenber your bravery…..and make poesy……..!!
    We will sent you at soon possible, the complete programme , and all involucrated arround the world, down we let a blog , where you can view the first part….., check and if you all right , add your means, ideas, senses and write,make music, film, theather, videogames, press,journalism, innovation, emotional, all sciences-POESY, share in your community work, area, family this message, the blog and the compkete project.
    you can do it , only make it with passion, emotion,with soul….be expeditive, genuine, original, , dont make it the belive or think, try to translate how you sense, , let your mind free, and make it with tears, with fun, with sense, with horror, with happy… you…..and the theme is ” Change World ” or THE LIFE…..AND ……YOU .
    Change world is an attitude, not is laws, not is norms, not is policy, change world is an fall in love sense, not light or cursi sense.and the first is STOP wars, human traffick, ablacttion, rapes, killied womans, girls and childs,prostituion, and all of the MENS make at womens in all cultures, not is policy,culture,race,democrazy,education,…and all mens arround the world are guilty for make it , for silence, and for cowardice, and all we are guiltys, and in the name of all mens , i am sorry at all women i know, and all womens dont know, and now is possible start change world.
    Millions womens , girls and childs arround the world are look you, and are waiting for your courage, be them voice….
    remenber your old bravery….spread the world …and maie poesy…
    Now is the time, the new age is coming, the age of womens sense, the new woman, the iwomen…….now it the time for change this crazy realtion… and fight for the new future…….cowardice not is an option way of life….of sense , of love of work….
    Fernando Real
    id –
    phone mobile – 0034627189681
    blog –

  34. I found your website through you showing me it on Twitter, and I’m glad you did! I’m a very passionate supporter of this kinds of issues and can always learn more.

    I’m very sorry this happened to you, no one should have to go through this.

    You’re a strong individual and your passion for fighting abuse against men is applaudable.

    Stay golden!

  35. FEMINIST…!!! for change the world….it is your courage time…


    YES…..!!!…..I AM FEMINIST…..and what….??

    F.E.M.i.N.i.S.T……!!! 2016 YEAR….the courage year….the new age….your courage time….!!

    ……feminist,…!!! for change the world….it is your courage time….you can change the world..

    only tell the magical words for change the world…….YES…!! I AM ….FEMINIST….!!…sexy mind , sexy spirit and sexy attitude…!!

    write,paint,speak,share,edit,publish,involved your community,spread the word and make poesy with you….

    2016……F….E….M….i….N….i….S….T…..YEAR….!! ….now is the time…you can do it….THE LIFE…..and ….YOU…!! this is the theme

    ….i am……f.e.m.i.n.i.s.t…..!! for ” Change The World ”
    write,speak,share,spread the Word,make your own proposal,involved your work community,spread the Word and make poesy,with this Project…..of The United Nations ( U.N ) & UN WOMEN.
    The Project start on november with the speech below,by President of EE.UU, Barack Obama in New York,UN assembly, like John Kennedy on Berlin….i am…feminist…!! for change the world, women are the key for change,and the POPE Francisco, make the same speech on VATICANE, ROME.., surprising the people over world. can change the world too, …be expeditive,be creative,be corageous,be altruist, be you….!!
    Thanks for your interested , and many thanks for your contribution to a bertter world, thanks for your creativity, for your intellegence and for your courage….thanks in my name , in the name of all iinvolved at this absurd, uthopic and fascinant project, thanks in the name of United Nations ( U.N. ) , and many thanks in the name of millions womens,girls and childs arround the world, you are an inspiration and example for us , and for them….
    Wellcome to he biggest net of activist for change the world, and the most global fith columne, the all countries,international institutions, religions institutions, governments administrations, think-tanks, finance world,univeristies, NGOS, foundations, human rights associattions, womens nationals federations, multinationals the all sectors, knowledges centres of each area, and particulars the all sexual, social and policy condition, sex, age, religion confession, ethic, philosophy, ethnic…
    You have a power, and this is well , but is a responsability too, the responsability of export your knowledges, creativity, intelligence, sensibility,empathy and resources at all you can trough an altruist way.
    The United Nations ( U.N. ) & UN WOMEN ; ” Change The World Programme ”
    IT IS WOMAN…S.T.U.P.Y.D.S,..!! Not is economy,policy,religions,finance world,culture,education,arts,science,love,sex or fall in love.
    WOMEN WORLDWIDE SPRING REVOLUTION 2016 ; The last humanity re-evolution for change world and STOP stupyds MEN wars,MEN econony, MEN policies, MEN religions, MEN education, MEN culture, MEN science, MEN communication, MEN journalism, MEN sports, MEN sense life, MEN relationships, MEN bussines, MEN press, MEN love, MEN sex and MEN fall in love.
    I AM………..F.E.M.i.N.i.S.T……!!! UN WOMEN world campaign….
    Kiss of love , or french kiss for the true way of relation ourself, others, world, espiritual,earth, space, love, sex or fall in love.
    ………remenber your bravery…..and make poesy……..!!
    We will sent you at soon possible, the complete programme , and all involucrated arround the world, down we let a blog , where you can view the first part….., check and if you all right , add your means, ideas, senses and write,make music, film, theather, videogames, press,journalism, innovation, emotional, all sciences-POESY, share in your community work, area, family this message, the blog and the compkete project.
    you can do it , only make it with passion, emotion,with soul….be expeditive, genuine, original, , dont make it the belive or think, try to translate how you sense, , let your mind free, and make it with tears, with fun, with sense, with horror, with happy… you…..and the theme is ” Change World ” or THE LIFE…..AND ……YOU .
    Change world is an attitude, not is laws, not is norms, not is policy, change world is an fall in love sense, not light or cursi sense.and the first is STOP wars, human traffick, ablacttion, rapes, killied womans, girls and childs,prostituion, and all of the MENS make at womens in all cultures, not is policy,culture,race,democrazy,education,…and all mens arround the world are guilty for make it , for silence, and for cowardice, and all we are guiltys, and in the name of all mens , i am sorry at all women i know, and all womens dont know, and now is possible start change world.
    Millions womens , girls and childs arround the world are look you, and are waiting for your courage, be them voice….
    remenber your old bravery….spread the world …and maie poesy…
    Now is the time, the new age is coming, the age of womens sense, the new woman, the iwomen…….now it the time for change this crazy realtion… and fight for the new future…….cowardice not is an option way of life….of sense , of love of work….
    Fernando Real
    id –
    phone mobile – 0034627189681
    blog –
    © 2016 Microsoft Términos Privacidad y cookies Desarrolladores Español

  36. I think that what you have done/ are doing is amazing!! There need to be more people like you in the world, it would be a better place. And to think… I found you in my search about Dark Literature for my Literature of the Fantastic class.

  37. I just want to say thanks so much for being seemingly the one voice of reason in regards to female-on-male sexual assault. We talked on twitter once when some woman did it to me again when I was working up a ladder. It’s hard to know because it seems that the right wing seem happy to dismiss us and our stories as weak and deserving of predation, and the left seem to bring us up on proof of “toxic masculinity” and how “the antifeminists don’t care about you” while failing to stick up for us properly themselves. It drives me almost mad with fear and pain, so when you tell the truth and act as a voice, it does make a difference, for me at least, and I’m sure not just me.

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