She did not feminize me…

There are many ideological claims made about the nature of male rape experiences. One particularly popular activist claim repeatedly shoved in my face asserts that men who have been raped have been “feminized.” This is a fancy way of deflecting men’s experiences with sexual violence back to focus solely on (mostly white) women. Also, this “feminized male rape victim” schtick overtly reinforces traditional binary gender constructs under the guise of being “woke”. So, ewww. Also, stop erasing people’s experiences:

  • I was raped by a heterosexual cis gender woman.
  • She physically forced an erection while I was unconscious.
  • She forced me to penetrate her and raped me with her vagina while on top.
  • No, she did not “feminize” me by raping me. The idea that men who’ve been raped become de facto women is extremist radfem nuttery bizarrely adopted by too many mainstream feminists.
  • The patriarchy did not force her to rape me. She chose to be a rapist. She did not change genders to rape me. Stop it.
  • My victim-shaming experiences come from men AND women alike.
  • Advocacy organizations that still treat female perpetration as “not real rape” played a bigger role in silencing me for nearly 18 years than toxic masculinity ever could.
  • Professionals who know better yet continue to reinforce the myth that only one type of rape exists are doing enough damage outside of toxic masculinity.

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