A Deadly Tantrum

Ivan Eland, Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute, on why Bush continues to act like a petulant child, without regard to the damage he has done:

There have been pop psychology explanations that attribute President Bush 43’s aggressive foreign policy decisions to a rivalry with President Bush 41—for example, ascribing junior’s invasion of Iraq as a reaction to his father’s writings about the pitfalls of doing so. Advocates of such explanations must be trumpeting the president’s recent repudiation of the chief recommendations of the Iraq Study Group—a panel stocked with his father’s former associates—to begin withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq and to engage in direct negotiations with Iran. If junior is either consciously or unconsciously making decisions that implicitly stick it to his old man, the American, Iraqi, and Iranian peoples unfortunately are primarily the ones who will be stuck with the horrific results.

Read the rest here.



  1. Calling our President a [I]petulant child[/I], and repeating flatulent psycho-babble theories like this are misplaced in a sensible political debate on foreign policy. I\’m starting to wonder if you’re one of those LP/Dem fusion types you talked about before. This type of non-constructive visceral name-calling and insults typically comes from the Left.

    1/23/2007 5:54:00

    1. That’s interesting – you are beginning to resemble one of those GOP types who worship authority first and care about liberty second, third or fourth – or not at all. Everytime the president is criticized in this blog, you whine about it. Just like you are doing now. Criticizing the president’s long-term behaviour now makes a person a Democrat?

      Liberty is my goal. I don’t get on my knees in reverence for any man, nor will I be nice about childish behaviour and naive notions that have led to thousands of deaths, tens of thousands of casualties and trillions in debt to handed down to our grandchildren and their grandchildren. He refuses to listen to the advice of those around him who’ve been saying this war is a disaster. He has replaced senior military leaders who disagree with his naive notions of a mystical, magical solution to his manufactured mess in Iraq. He is now beating the drums for war in Iran, while we are steadily losing ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. He claims that he has the right to spy on all of us, access our mail, phone calls, email and lock us up with out charge, regardless of what courts, Congress and the Constitution have to say about it.

      And you are whining about criticism toward the president? Come on, you can’t be serious. The man is acting like a child having a tantrum who refuses to submit to adult supervision.

      Apparently, you’d rather distract from that problem by doing the conservative kneejerk “don’t criticize the president” game which confuses patriotism with lock-step conformity and idol worship of GOP leaders.

      1/23/2007 10:00:00

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