Hatemongering Against Muslims

Folks, hatemongering against Muslims is not patriotism.  It is not "support for the troops."  It is not being a good American.

It is collectivism and bigotry.  And I'll call you out everytime I see you doing it.

If your sources include WorldNetDaily, FOX News, Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin, Sean "wingnut bizarre" Hannity, Virgil Goode,  Rick Santorum, NewsMax, FrontPage Magazine, some guy who sent you an email or other "fair and balanced" sources, don't expect me to take your information seriously.

Don't expect me to remain silent either.  It isn't personal.  It is just about the facts.

That is all.



  1. I\’ve always been a \”devout\” atheist, but while working for a tech company I befriended some muslims. They invited me to their mosque for ramadan. At first I was a little uneasy (being used to awkward religious debates), but I ended up going and enjoyed a big feast (after the sun went down, of course) with lots of friendly people. No attempts at conversion, just friendly conversation. I\’ve since gone back the past couple of years and each time has been a positive experience. Very open-minded people. Incredible food.

    Hating muslims for the actions of Bin Laden, Hussein, etc. is just as silly as hating all christians for the actions of our severely insane wannabe dictator, George Bush Jr. Collectivism, plain and simple.

    1/7/2007 2:38:00

  2. I totally agree with what you said here. I get NewsMax among other conservative and liberal emails (moveon.org) so as to “know my enemy”. I hate all the war/hate mongering in the conservative press. It’s all bigotry, and I like how you called it collectivism LOL!!!! Great work man, keep it up.

  3. I also think it’s not patriotic to only call out [I]hatemongering[/I] against Muslims, but never call out all the [I]hatemongering[/I] by the Muslims themselves. I.E, we have Muslim clerics, mosques, and schools here and throughout the world that teach and preach hatred of America and Americans, that the best use of their lives is to kill as many Americans or jews as possible, even if suicide is the cost. The muslim suicide bombers are worshipped and celebrated. When thousands of Americans were murdered on 9/11 when the WTC was leveled, Muslim Palestinians celebrated all day long in the streets, and still consider 9/11 to be a holy day of celebration.

    For 28 days The NY Times headlines were about the allied Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq: a [I]scandal[/I] with no casualties. Similar criticism was directed at the allied Guantanamo Bay, because the staff did not always wear surgical gloves when handling the prisoners\’ korans, or because the interrogators had large breasts and wore miniskirts (such torture!), or because they were only allowed 8 hours of cable TV per day…

    Meanwhile, Muslim killers throughout the world are hacking, exploding, and torturing Americans and other non-muslims indiscriminately by the thousands, in the name of Allah. Is it never appropriate to indentify and criticize a dangerous and threatening collective population? Was [I]hatemongering[/I] against our fascist axis opponents in WWII unpatriotic? Would it have been bigoted and unpatriotic for Americans to criticize the nice nazis and japanese empirialists? Americans should only be allowed to criticize themselves: self-loathing and self-hatred?

    It’s true that not all Muslims are terrorist killers, but it’s also true that most terrorist killers todays are Muslim. Where is the criticism of the Muslim community for failing to police their own culture, to stifle the jihadist killers? The silent and absent criticism of jihadists from within the Muslim community itself is deafening. Are Americans suppose to [I]lovemonger[/I] those who want nothing more than to kill us and annihilate our culture?

    1/7/2007 10:50:00

    1. Sorry, but there are plenty of Muslims fighting against their more violent fellow travelers. You are way off base here and appear to be representing the FOX News viewpoint on this thread. All of the major Muslim American organizations have condemned the Jihadists – repeatedly and very loudly. Fingers plugged in ears and hands over eyes are the only to miss that.

      Everything you said above could easily be applied to abortion clinic bombers, and bloodthirsty Christians who support Big Government Conservative wars so that our government will drop bombs on Muslims.

      As far as it being \”true that most terrorist killers todays are Muslim\” that depends on who is defining terrorism and their national, political and religious perspective. When a white Christian commits a murder intended to influence social policy or practices – like blowing up an abortion clinic, committing violence against physicians, nurses and admin staff, threatening murder, burning a cross on someone else\’s lawn, blowing up a black church and killing children, planting bombs at the Olympics and other violent actions it is not called terrorism. Why? Because those perps were white and not Muslims, so the politically correct conservatives fall down all over themselves to simply label it a \”crime.\”

      Because they agree with such terrorism and don\’t have the guts to admit it. So they call it something else on the basis of racial classification or skin color.

      1/7/2007 13:09:00

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