Dreaming With That Pipe Again…

It has been a long time since I read Oliver Willis on a regular basis, but I still get a chuckle out of his slogan "Like Kryptonite to Stupid."  While he tends to drive on the left, and as a libertarian, I drive on both sides of the road and sometimes in the ditches, I can find just as much to like as dislike on his blog.  This one, I like (ya'll knew it anyway so stop fronting):

The way the Bush administration operates is to work in secret and without oversight. That’s simply not how it works, and not what the founders intended (if we wanted a king, we would have created a monarchy). The administration’s refrain is always “trust us”. The problem is that too many administrations of both Republican and Democratic politicians said “trust us” when they were up to really bad things, be that Vietnam escalation, Watergate, Iran Contra, whatever.

The "just trust us" philosophy, as espoused by the current Administration, is nothing more than the political equivalent of a parent talking down to a child.  It is not how honorable and moral men and women of integrity conduct their affairs and utilize the precious resources taken from American citizens courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service.

 Sorry – I don't "just trust" anyone in government, let alone the current criminal element occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  Of course, as a libertarian wingnut, you expect that response from me.  But come on, isn't there a single genuine conservative left who will speak out with out making excuses or whining about how The Left is picking on this bunch of crooks?

What do I expect?  For starters, accountability and integrity.  I expect certain people to be impeached.  I expect certain people to held criminally liable for their actions.  And I expect conservatives to actually start demonstrating that morality they are always shouting about (Ann Coulter, I'm looking at you).

 But I'm not stupid and I don't smoke crack.

One comment

  1. actually there ARE a few of us…and hopefully a few more who are beginning to open their eyes…hmmmm, funny, it’s always the “few” who are mentioned in the bible…

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