Spare Me

From fake libertarian jackass Ron May, on a discussion list I frequent:

A How – To Seminar by the Scientific Patriot

Liberaltarians are typically moral degenerates, moral failures, and or cowards. A Typical Liberaltarian has some moral disaster or failure in background but is too cowardly, lazy, or weak to look for the real cause in his or her self. So this person instead tries to say it doesn't matter and adopts a political view that agrees with this cowardice, laziness and moral degeneracy. Liberaltarians are cowardly people who know America is a Christian Nation and Moral Virtue matter but are afraid to say so. After all, if they did it is quite likely someone would point out the typical degenerate weakness in would-be-free liberaltarian. It amounts to a combination of moral extortion/blackmail and cowardice on the part of the typical liberaltarian. The typical liberaltarian still lusts for power, and desires freedom, but is too stupid to realize the true source of rights and freedom come from God and the Judeo-Christian Heritage on which Western Civilization is based. As a result liberaltarians hold dear the idea of the great unexplainable Space Alien Deist" which is a very convenient way to dodge a code of civility which liberaltarians cannot measure up to. Show me a Liberaltarian and I'll show you a divorcee, a pothead, someone who's already had an abortion, an ex-prostitute, a criminal record etc. The most vocal Liberaltarians have kinship with America's Communist left in that they typically hate America and spend time agreeing with the Anti-Christian left on the issues of the day. Show me a Liberaltarian and I'll show a coward, a sloth and a failure. Fortunately the same reasons that make a liberaltarian and the liberaltarian movement are the same reasons that add up to .00023% of the popular vote election after election.

God Bless America!

"America is that Shining City on a Hill" — Ronald Reagan "If Liberals were merely stupid, the laws of probability would dictate that part of their decisions would serve American Interests!" From TREASON by Ann Coulter Democrats, Ragheads, Liberaltarians, Communists,…. it's all the same!

SmileHave A Nice Day!

SmileAmerica is a Christian Nation!


Excuse me folks. I need to go throw up…


  1. I guess this guy didn’t notice the amount of homosexuals that
    are coming out of the Republican party – you know, the pro-family,
    righteous, moral ones who think gays are a threat to society.

    This guy is an idiot.

    5/16/2005 10:23:00 PM

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