Twelve things the election taught me

I'm sharing the following with permission of the author Keith B. Johnson, who shares my passion for speculative fiction:

Bear with me, I think my temperature’s about back to 98.6. I’m more resolved than ever to not take this standing down, to take this country back for those of us who abhor racism, ignorance, and religious intolerance. I’m ready to fight for the rights of everyone–even those bigoted fools who’d deprive me of mine. But still a little vitriol left to expunge….

Twelve Things the Election Taught Me

1. Rats don’t always desert a sinking ship. Sometimes they’re too stupid to see the danger, so they gather together, smiling and singing songs, as they drown. Over 50 million rats are going down with the ship America.

2. Despite history and our sometimes gut feeling, bigotry is not confined to white people. It appears Blacks, Latinoes, and peoples of all colors can hate too. All they need is to find someone more despised than themselves.

3. “Love thy neighbour as thyself” doesn’t apply to Muslims, Buddhists, liberals, foreigners, gays, or anyone else who holds “unnatural” beliefs.

4. If you have the audacity to wear suits, carry yourself well, and speak with intelligence and honesty, then you’re a lazy bed-wetting liberal who never worked a day in your life and can’t relate to the common man. If you wear blue work shirts, jeans, and cowboy boots, and speak in really bad English, people will ignore the fact that you’re a millionaire who’s gained everything in life due to his wealth and connections, and think of you as “one of them”.

5. Going to war and getting shot at, captured, or tortured don’t mean nothing but that you’re a lily-livered, traitorous, lying, cowardly US-hating punk. Real men use Daddy’s connections to avoid military duty.

6. Women–when they’re married to politicians at least–are better seen than heard.

7. Moral values are apparently edible, can be worn in cold weather, will put food on the table, and will pay the bills–cause people sure as hell preferred them to jobs and a strong economy.

8. Big government is the tool of Satan and his demon servants the Democrats–unless it’s used to enforce those cool “moral values”.

9. God loves a wife-beating, gun-worshipping, beer-guzzling, no-working straight man more than a compassionate, intelligent, good citizen who happens to be gay.

10. I once spent a year reading the Bible cover to cover. Apparently I wasted my time, as the whole thing boils down to two rules: America is God’s chosen country, and anyone who’s not a conservative Christian has no rights.

11. America’s soldiers are the bravest, most chaste, noble warriors on Earth-unless they question their government, in which case they’re traitors.

12. Momma was wrong when she told me that being rude, argumentative, stubborn, and calling people names would bring me to a bad end. It seems to be the path to success.

Keith is putting together his own website, and I’ll post the url on this blog once its ready.

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