Big Government Republicanism (Again)

Sheldon Richman of the Future of Freedom Foundation on Big-Government Republicans:

If that was the small-government party we saw in action at the Republican National Convention in New York City, who needs a big-government party?

Now Sheldon, you know us libertarians aren't supposed to criticize the Republicans when we are at war. Oh wait, make that liberventionists aren't supposed to criticize Republicans when we are at war. The rest of libertarians us can criticize all we want. Stupid twisted logic.

In fact the Republicans have been a big-government party for many years, but at least they used to try to sound like they favored small government. Now they don't even try.

Well, a few still try, but they're treated like a beloved uncle with a touch of dementia. We love him, but DO NOT give him the keys to the car…

The convention throng went wild every time someone mentioned that President George W. Bush has set records for federal education and Medicare spending. I half expected the crowd to blow the roof off Madison Square Garden after being reminded that the federal budget deficit has approached half a trillion dollars. I’m sure one of the cable networks could have found a conventioneer decked out in silly regalia to say, “Woo hoo! Republicans do everything big!”

Add the big government marriage "protection" racket the current Administration wants to initiate to this list. I'm still waiting for these so-called conservatives to start slashing Cabinet level departments – you know – like they've promised they'd do, if only we would just give them control of both Congress and the Administration. Well, when is it going to happen guys?

Where was the praise of self-reliance and criticism of dependence on government? The only allusion to independence came when Bush touted his plan for government to make the down payment for people who can’t afford to buy homes. That’s self-reliance?

There was none. Republicans are now as full fledged advocates of big government as their counterparts on the left. Its all one party now. 

Game over. We lose.

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