Coincidentally Suspect

William Rivers Pitt of t r u t h o u t on Scamming the Media, Parlock Style:

For the third Presidential election in a row, poor Phil Parlock has been abused by terrible Democrats while trying to support the Republican candidate, and while trying to introduce his children to the art of retail politics. Is this just a string of bad luck for Phil?

I doubt it. It seems a great deal more certain that Mr. Parlock is a serial disruptor who has managed to convinced the easily-duped mainstream media on three separate occasions that he was attacked by Democrats. Only a truly hard-core fanatic would pull a stunt like this, and Parlock certainly appears to fit the bill.

Read the rest here. Mr. Pitt hasn’t proven his case beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he has certainly cast reasonable doubt on the record of Mr. Parlock’s claims of serial, multi-state harassment by Democrats.

Robert Roman comments on the issue here, the The Hobbesian Conservative comments here, Atrios here and here, dislogue comments here, Blogs for Bush here, and Michelle Malkin here.

UPDATE: A number of Bushie blogs (here and here) are pointing to this statement by International Union of Painters and Allied Trades General President James A. Williams as evidence that this incident is legitimate and that Parlock was indeed assaulted by union members.

Not so. I personally called the union headquarters and spoke to an individual in the general president’s office and have confirmed far from being resolved, “the matter is under investigation.” Apparently, Michelle Malkin called as well. I further wiggled out the fact that no culprit has even been identified, let alone punished. The General President’s statement was simply a pre-emptive strike, should the culprit actually turn out to be a union member. Captain Ed also has some comments regarding the union apology.

Bushies, stop frothing, your guy is still suspect and the union (according to the general president’s office) has yet to identify the man in the photo at this link. And before the hate mail full of “liberal, liberal, liberal” comments starts flooding, remember – I’m a libertarian and I’m not voting for either of the Demopublican/Republicrat Big Government Party of Doom candidates for president. So save it.


  1. Did you even *read* what Michelle Malkin wrote in her article at

    “I talked with the press person for the IUPAT, who says its local shop in Huntington is currently conducting an investigation of the individuals involved. We will be keeping in touch. The union deserves praise for its strongly-worded statement condemning any act of violence/disruption committed in its name.”

    BTW, where did you get the idea that The Blogspirator is a “Bushie” blog?

  2. Yes, I *read* what Michelle wrote. I didn’t comment on her comments except to mention that she called the union as well by stating “Apparently, Michelle Malkin did so as well.” Did you even *read* my comments? If you had, you’d have noticed I simply linked to her and pointed out that she called them. Perhaps this was not clear enough. If so, it was unintentional.

    Then I posted the results of my own conversation with the union.

    It isn’t that hard to comprehend. Really. It. Isn’t.

    But in order to make it easier on the confused, I’ll change the statement to read “Apparently, Michelle Malkin called as well.”

    Everyone sufficiently grokking it now?

    9/17/2004 18:33:00

  3. Actually… Democrats Attack often.

    Check the Protestwarrior website. I made a post of another Democrat Attack on The Blogspirator on 8/27

    I’ve seen it happen before, myself, first-hand. You don’t have to go out of your way – just show up at a Democrat event with some non-Democrat signs.

    You do get points for using the word “froth,” however, as it is a word that gets frequent exercise over at The Blogspirator.

    BTW, even Libertarians attack… each other! Didn’t you guys have a fistfight at the ’00 Convention?

    For the record, The Blogspirator considers himself a “little l” libertarian, though he is voting for Bush this time around.

  4. “Actually??? Democrats Attack often.”

    No kidding. I’ve gone apeshit on IndyMedia types in the past for things I’ve witnessed Black Bloc jackasses commit firsthand – like at the last inauguaration. I’ve also condemned those who use violence or disruptive tactics to prevent my colleague Ward Connerly from speaking at university campuses.

    Lefties get upset when I point out their violence and censorship attempts and claim I’m a right winger. Righties get upset when I criticize their brethren by pointing out that “Actually??? Democrats Attack often.” Or screaming “liberal, liberal, liberal.”

    As if its news that both sides are involved in such tactics. But then, this blog entry isn’t about all the violence committed by all the people all the time. Its about one specific incident and one man’s claims of serial harassment across state lines and years of time. I work a few blocks from the World Bank in downtown DC, so I’m fully well aware of leftie violence. That ain’t news. But that wasn’t what the entry was about. Now was it?

    9/17/2004 20:41:00

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