Gulf War Illness (Again)

New Scientist on Gulf war veterans have fertility problems:

The largest ever survey of men who served in the 1990-1991 Gulf War has found that veterans are 40 to 50% less likely to be able to start a pregnancy than soldiers who did not serve in the Gulf.

If the men’s partners did become pregnant, conception had taken longer to achieve, and the pregnancy was less likely to run to full term.

This is just one of many problems my fellow Gulf War veterans have had to deal with since 1991. Additional symptoms can include chronic fatigue, nerve degradation, frequent cyst formation, and painful recurring rashes, among other problems. These problems may stem from depleted uranium dust, experimental vaccines and pills, the Army’s bumbling of the chemical weapons depot at Khamisiyah or unknown local environmental factors. Compounding this issue is a total lack of concern on the part of the “Support the Troops” mafia with regard to ACTUALLY doing something about this problem, rather than shouting “TRAITOR” all the time. Will these folks also turn their backs on the troops currently in Iraq, when they start getting sick too? Yes, they will. Most of the “support the troops” rhetoric is simply code for “don’t oppose the president or you are stinking traitor.” Its not really about the troops, its about political conformity, killing “evil Islamists for Jesus” and squashing dissent. These people don’t really care about the men and women sent to die for their cause. If they did, they would dedicate less time masturbating to dust jacket photos of Ann Coulter and more time to helping out the sick, injured and emotionally scarred men and women coming home from Iraq.

Read the rest here.

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