VCS/EPIC Petition

The Education for Peace in Iraq Center and Veterans for Common Sense – two organizations founded by Gulf War veterans – have launched a joint petition inspired by the inhumane treatment of some of the prisoners of war in Iraq. As I've done in the past, I'll be serving as one of the media contacts for this campaign. So, get thee to signing this petition and spread the word so we can generate some decent media coverage.

That is all.


  1. That’s the most ridiculous idea for a petition ever. Inhumane treatment of prisoners in Iraq?!?!

    Hmmmm, let’s compare…

    Them: killing Americans and American soldiers.
    Us: wearing women’s underwear.
    Them: killing Americans and American soldiers.
    Us: naked pictures taken.
    Them: killing Americans and American soldiers.
    Us: stepping on their toes.
    Them: killing Americans and American soldiers.

    You and your anti-American website are a joke and highly misdirected. Here’s an idea: kill all the terrorists, kill all the planners of terrorism, and kill all who kill Americans. No more problems.


    5/28/2004 12:37:00

  2. First, lets distinguish between terrorists and foreign military/guerilla warfare. The assholes we used fund and train, who flew airplanes into skyscrapers on September 11, 2001 were terrorists. The assholes who blew up the Marine Barracks in Beirut were terrorists. The assholes who blew up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City were terrorists. The guerilla warfare taking place in Iraq is not terrorism. Its guerilla warfare. The new-speak language that labels all foreigners with guns as terrorists would have done Big Brother proud.

    But George Orwell is dead, so let us move on.

    Here’s an even better idea than just killing all Arabs and calling them terrorists – try listening to the Department of Defense who has already stated for all the world to hear, that most of those in Iraqi prisons were part of systematic roundups and innocent of any crimes. Hence, you are cheerleading for our troops to commit crimes against the innocent, which only creates more enemies and violates both military law and international treaties we’ve agreed to abide by. Great fucking strategy asshole. Put your ass through basic training and behind an M-16 before creating more enemies first. Okay? That way you get to enjoy the full measure of this failed approach.

    Second, as someone who actually WORE A FUCKING UNIFORM, I know better than to disregard Geneva Conventions and Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Its about discipline, self control and obedience to lawful orders – which includes adherence to military law and ratified treaties. Say “fuck it” lets kill everyone is not a sign of discipline or humanity. As Americans, we are better than that. By adopting the tactics of foreign regimes, we lose the ability to claim the moral highground and surrender our humanity to an international version of Lord of the Flies.

    Second – and try this one on for size – the allegations regarding abuse of prisoners (most of whom are innocent of any wrongdoing according to DoD) also include RAPE of MALE, FEMALE and CHILD prisonsers, multiple homicides and coverups of said homicides.

    No real American would ever make excuses for rape and murder like you just did. While I wore a uniform, I agreed to conduct myself in a manner that respected the Geneva Conventions which were RATIFIED BY THE UNITED STATES SENATE. Anyone shirking that obligation is a traitor to their uniform and the nation and is in clear violation of military and international laws which we agreed to abide by when the Conventions were ratified by the Senate.

    Further, the Commander in Chief and the Department of Defense are in complete disapproval of the un-American “fuck the rules – they are all guilty terrorists” approach you outlined from the safety of your desk in the District.

    Clearly you’ve never worn a uniform. Your very words show a complete lack of discipline and respect for military authority. If the rules don’t apply to you, why even bother to live in civilized company?

    Pick a jungle somewhere and declare yourself dictator.

    5/28/2004 12:58:00

    1. Of course you respond with “lol”. It is clear you are a clown with no real point. Your bloodlust, buffoonery and hate are still on full display here nearly 20 years later. Let me guess, your racist ass voted for Trump too, right?

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