More on “Support”

Sergeant Major Michael Gaddy writing for The Price of Liberty on It Depends On Your Definition of "Support The Troops":

The absolute worse phrase to come out of this mess is “ supporting the troops.” Bush and the Neocons want to be sure we all support the war. In order to insure that in their minds, they must insist that supporting the war is supporting the troops. They actually don't give a damn about the troops, as the letter included in this article will show.

Someday, perhaps before it is too late, Americans will realize that all the people who run the State are concerned with nothing but money. If it takes the blood of our children to grease the wheels of the military industrial complex so it and their cronies can prosper financially, then so be it.

In other words, War is a Racket. The following quote is from a letter sent to the Sergeant Major by a real Soldier, not the discredited propaganda pieces written by an Army officer that have been published nationwide or the pro-war letter where a Navy Corpsman (Sailor) forgets what branch he enlisted in by repeatedly calling himself a Soldier:

On my way out of Iraq (due to medevac) I talked to alot of friends in elements coming and going from a Logistical Support Area. Many had the same story. Soldiers dying from senseless lack of proper equipment. I know and you know who is to blame for this. I know you had probably heard about the shortage. But this puts a face on the loss. I can give you the names of the casualties that night if necessary. It was a bad bad night, played out all over the shithole that is the quagmire we call Iraq.

The Soldier who wrote the letter above is specifically talking about the shameful lack of protection gear issued to our men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. Read the rest of his letter as part of Sergeant Major Gaddy's commentary here.

Answer this if you dare pro-war crowd: If you truly support the troops, why did we rush to war, only to send them in with mostly Vietnam era flack jackets (like I wore in Gulf War I)? Why do you (hawks, LINOs, neo-cons and "realists") continue to ignore this shameful story while shouting "Support the Troops" from the safety of your sofas?

Because ya'll don't really care. Its all about politics and high school-esque bravado. You don't really give a shit about the men and women dying for your cause. If you did, you'd be raising Hell about this and a hundred other equipment, pay, housing and medical challenges facing the men and women you sent to die in the desert.

UPDATE: Taking The Gloves Off is getting mad, crazy traffic from WHATREALLYHAPPENED.COM, Blog, and UnFairWitness. Thanks guys – if you aren't already blogrolled, I'll add you today.


  1. You might want to check out the FReeper thread linked to at the blog — national guard soldiers are derided as pussies and whiners by FR’s brave couch potato warriors for complaining about their living conditions.

    5/27/2004 7:15:00

  2. How the FReakers really “support the troops”
    If you ever doubted that the neocon/Republican/Bushies’ claim to “support the troops” is anything but a phony pose, here’s rock solid proof that it is. UP

  3. The only way to cure this problem is to do what happened in Spain. Vote out all the incumbents.
    Replace the Government. Everyone needs to vote in the next election to do this. The real problem has been that only half the voters who are eligible to vote do it.

    5/27/2004 11:41:00 AM

  4. They ,the government are all old men in the 60 to 80 years old and can not remember what they had for supper are running the government and dream of the battle but to afraid to be in one,rhat is why support is not there,it is only a dream and playing like kids war but in this one they kill all the people and you think you get support from asses like them,DICTATOR BUSH AND HIS GANG OF 5,like big mouth RICE and want to be rumsfeld,if you want support get ride of the murdering government and vote for a man of peace and a friend of the world,then you would not need to kill all of the muslim world beause they would be your friend

    5/27/2004 11:46:00 AM

  5. It will always be the poor and immigrants that fight the wars of the rich policticans who serve Halliburton and etc.

    5/27/2004 12:49:00 PM

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