Secure That Opinion Soldier!

Mike Litwin of the Rocky Mountain News on Gag order leaves troops, reporters speechless:

Before the press was herded into the giant hangar in advance of George W. Bush's pep rally/photo op with the Fort Carson troops, we were given the rules.

No talking to the troops before the rally.

No talking to the troops during the rally.

No talking to the troops after the rally.

Yep. There's no better way to ensure that the troops say nothing critical than by ensuring they say nothing at all. But Mr. Litwin is obviously siding with the terrorists for pointing this out. Right, Mr. and Mrs. I ain't never worn a uniform, but can't stop frothing at the mouth over this war? If the troops are all behind this war, as some folks without a clue or military experience have falsely claimed, why keep them silent? Why not give them an outlet to express their support?

Because, morale is taking a massive header into the toilet. The Administration is scared shitless as more and more troops and military spouses have begun to speak out against this war. 7500 U.S. casualties, poor treatment of returning injured, National Guard pay scandals, and an exhausted military – spread too thin and deployed too often are a bigger threat to Bush's chances of re-election than all the candidates the Democrats could ever dream to field in the next election. Some folks are scared at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

As they should be.

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