Cut It Out Ya’ll

Well. Someone landed at my blog today via the following Google search: Interracial voice hates black culture. WTF? Over.

Now, the sentiments expressed in that particular string of words above may or may not be an actual belief of the individual who conducted that search. This individual may be a supporter of Interracial Voice and is simply researching its critics. Or it could be exactly what is in that individual's heart. Regardless, the following are my observations based on folks who actually do believe such nonsense.

I've been reading and writing for Interracial Voice since 1996. I know IV's founder quite well having worked with him extensively in the past on the "multiracial" census category battles and later on the Racial Privacy Initiative. I've had countless telephone conversations and even had dinner with Charles and his girlfriend. I consider him a friend and admire the man immensely.

So, let me make this one as clear as I possibly can. Neither Interracial Voice, not its visionary founder Charles Byrd harbor any type of hatred towards ANY culture. Got it?

There has been a small, but extremely vocal crew of angry critics against Interracial Voice and The Multiracial Activist for years. Most of these shameless detractors are adherents to the one-drop rule, anti-miscegenationists, "racists" or "racialists" of all hues. Many have conducted campaigns of harassment and identity theft against IV's writers and forum participants. They fear the change of so-called "racial" demographics represented by the mere existence of internet publications like Interracial Voice and my zine The Multiracial Activist.

Their biggest bone of contention, however, is reserved for individuals of "black" and "white" descent who either choose to abandon "racial" identities or identify with both so-called "racial" heritages, rather than copping out to the one-drop rule. Claims of "you're running from your blackness", "sellout" and "house nigger" are fairly common in the lexicon of those opposed to publications like Interracial Voice and The Multiracial Activist. Claims that we hate "black culture" or that our readership is "running from their blackness" is indicative of a sick mind with an irrational need to control the individual rights of others.

We ain't going anywhere folks. And we don't hate anyone. No matter how many "black" or "white" nationalists wish to claim otherwise.

Class over.

This entry also posted at A Mixed Blog.

One comment

  1. I hear ya James! On a television show I watch, one of the main characters became a lawyer. A writer over at labeled him an “oreo,” and then wondered why he abandoned his “black” crew to work for “white people,” all the time forgetting that his “white” employer is a vampire who has been undead for over 150 years.

    11/15/2003 3:10:00 AM

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