Change of Course

Ron Bronson, Jr. on Why College, revisited:

…I realize now that what I supposed to build is far greater than the confines of these walls or this city with these people. The only way to get where I want to be, to do the things I want to do is, to challenge myself well beyond that I have been challenged before. It means going after what I want, rather than sitting passively and waiting for it to come to me.

Whatever you decide to do or how you do it, what matters in the end is how you feel about your decisions and how well you sleep at night. Don't compromise your goals and don't let anyone dissaude you from your true calling, where ever that may take you.

A few years back, I was highly conflicted on a position I took in one of my editorials that had not yet been published on The Abolitionist Examiner. It tugged at my soul and left me restless and nervous. I was a little uncomfortable and wondering if I had gone a little high and to the right.

I contacted my comrade-in-arms, Charles Byrd, seeking advice. Charles understood how I felt and forwarded me a link to something L. Neil Smith wrote, entitled "Some Tactical Reflections." Neil's words spoke volumes and today I can't even remember what it was that bothered me so. I continue to refer back to his writing for occasional reinforcement of my chosen path.

While most of it may not be applicable to your present situation, I believe some of it may help you in your decision-making. And eventually, the rest of it will speak to you in other ways. As El Neil says at the link above, "If you're not a little bit uncomfortable with your position, it isn't radical enough. Take the most extreme position you can — you're claiming territory you won't have to fight for later…"

Take the radical position Ron. Do what you must and do it all the way. In the end, its your opinion that matters most when you look in the mirror.

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