Watchmen Movie


According to scifiwire, Watchmen will be made into a movie soon. Cool.

Link courtesy of Wil Wheaton.


  1. What the hell are you talking about!?! It will be a terrible movie! How can you say that? They are not going to be able to condense something as amazing and prolific as Watchmen into a worthwhile film. And they’ll probably get Ed Harris to play Ostermann!!! Jesus!!! Why!?!In movie form, Watchmen will be a good story and nothing more. And that’s only if they don’t muck up the story with their Hollywood bullshit! Have you even read some of the criminally retarded scripts for a Watchmen movie that are floating around the internet. Christ!I read one that voids the entire “New York Massacre” all together! What the Hell?!?!

  2. Hey buddy, calm down. I simply posted that it may be made into a movie and that I liked the idea of said movie. Now you come on this blog cussing, ranting and raving about things I never mentioned or endorsed.

    You need to calm down, and fast.

    It is not life or death, but it might be a movie.

    That’s all. Really.

  3. While “stevens'” tirade may be a bit overheated, I’m afraid he’s absolutely correct. It is beyond impossible to capture something as complex as The Watchmen. I’m not some comic book geek who’s only perspective point is other comics,either.I’ll read anything you’ll put in my face cus i’m a boring bastard.
    The most obvious problem here is the sheer weight of the story. It’s longer than most novels, and the overabundance of incredible allegory needs the medium of comics (words and pictures) to exist. You literally CAN NOT do the things this comic does in any other art form. This is why the movie will seem like just another stupid superhero movie to the uninitiated, thereby sullying the reputation of one of the most important works of art from the last century.(you’re damn right, I said it. If you don’t believe me, read it yourself.) Like the hollywood bozos in charge of the productionmost people won’t see past the “superhero” element.
    This is why ol’ steve is so pissed. I forgive anybody willing to be as passionate over something this important. This, to many is like pissing on the Mona Lisa. Let it be what it is, go make another spiderman flick instead.

  4. Michael:

    I don’t have a problem with Stephen being upset about the movie. I have a problem with Stephen’s misdirected anger and his childish venting of such anger towards me. I’m not making the movie. I didn’t option any scripts and I don’t work for DC Comics. None of it is my fault. Rather than taking his anger to Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons for allowing this to occur, he instead chose to shoot the messenger. That’s nonsense and immature in my book. There is no excuse for it.

  5. You KNOW us comic book types are frickin’ loony, man. And I think you pretty much exposed
    it. Steve should calm down. Leave the zealous bullshit to the Scientologists. I just wanted
    you to see that not every one of us confuses passion for something cool as an excuse to
    berate someone. Steve certainly doesn’t speak for me. Jesus, It’s people like him that
    cause the rest of the world to see comic book fans as overgrown snotty kids.

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