Happy Belated Blogoversary to Me

My one year blogoversary was June 14th, which I completely forgot. I guess that means I won't be getting a gift from myself. Rats. Previously, I had a sad, sorry and silly geocities website functioning as my personal website since October 21, 1997. A remnant of that website, which included much of the non-blog material on this domain, still exists here. I had toyed with the idea of putting together a real personal website, as opposed to what I could get from Geocities. After searching through countless freebie and professional website templates on various domains, I put the idea on hold for the short term. But then, I started noticing lots of traffic coming into my publication, The Multiracial Activist, from all these blog thingies and a switch flipped in my head. Why not do one myself? I started reading other blogs like Radley, Gene, Julian, Jim, Jemisa, Jeremy and Patrick. I had always felt a bit restricted in my topics at both of my publications and I had been looking for an outlet for my other interests, so blogging seemed like a natural fit.

After putting my first blog together on June 14, 2002 at jameslandrith.blogspot.com (hack, cough, gag) I commenced blogging at that location until August 13, 2002, when I made the move to my own domain name. After making the switch to MovableType on September 23, 2002, I then slowly added most of my postings from DelphiForums.com, my old message board and Yahoo! Groups to my archives before deleting them from various locations on the web. Over the last couple of months, I've begun to blog more frequently and pointedly, even attracting a little Aussie media attention in the process. Further, the upside to blogging is that I have full control over what happens here, contrary to the partial control I maintained at my DelphiForums.com space and that old InsideTheWeb message board I once operated. The added bonus, of course, being that I get to share a little of what makes my brain tick with the rest of the world and google helps to promote that perspective. Of course, due to the nature of blogging and its tendency to promote the creative process, some of my blog postings have expanded themselves into full-blown commentaries on my other websites. I've rambled on enough, as a wise man once said, "that's all I have to say about that."

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