Lying Bastards Under Microscope

Tim Harper of the Toronto Star on U.S. under pressure over intelligence about Iraq:

Bush stunned many when he claimed on the eve of the G-8 Summit that his government had found weapons of mass destruction. He was referring to two suspected mobile labs, which U.S. intelligence agencies say may have been biological weapons labs.

The statement either indicates that the burden of proof required by his government to justify its main war rationale has been significantly lowered or Bush was getting frustrated over the persistent questions.

Suspected mobile labs are just that – suspected mobile labs. They are no more a weapon of mass destruction than my thumb. Bush's claim that we have found two weapons of mass destruction is a bold-faced lie and only the most feeble-minded of sheep are buying it. Over a hundred Americans and even more Iraqis died for these two suspected mobile labs. That's a disgrace. So, just when do the impeachment proceedings begin? Or do lies only count when the liar isn't a Republican? I'm a real libertarian brother, and I'm not making excuses for Republican lies. People died. Excuses don't cut it. Produce the weapons or impeach the bastard. It ain't that difficult.

Link courtesy of's Freedom News Daily.

One comment

  1. Why the hell is this crap going on in the world. How is justice (a word that no american can possibly understand in todays climate)being abused so obviously and in such broad daylight that it is now common knowledge that Bush illigitamately and illegally in all terms of your so called protective constitution managed to rape miss america into delivering a republican bastardised alien into a world that is obviously far more less reactionary and media driven than free” america. If Bush is re-elected in the next election I will re-consider my entire opinion of the northern most part of your north america. My last words are that their is still hope for you guys yet, republicans seem to me to be utter oil/money lovin murderous bastards that have no concept of a HUmaN future. fuck this shit

    6/23/2003 6:21:00 AM

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