Secretary of Nonsense

Radley Balko has an interesting post on Colin Powell:

Powell said: "We restored Kuwait to its rulers – its rightful rulers – and let them find their transition into a democratic form of government, as their people choose."

Powell referred to Kuwait's oppressive, monarchical dictatorship as its "rightful rulers." He said Kuwait would "find transition" to a "democratic form of government, as their people choose." But, um, the people don't have the choice of democracy. That's sort of what a dictatorship is all bout.

Powell is full of shit. Kuwait is a monarchy and has been for over 200 years. There was no democracy there when I went over in 1991 and there is still no democracy there today. Their legislature is largely ceremonial and can be disbanded at the whim of the Emir. When is this mystical, magical democracy going to occur? To turn a popular pro-war phrase "they've had 12 years!!!!!!"

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