Ugly, Ugly, Ugly

As Oliver Willis, Jim Henley and Arthur Silber have already commented: This is some pretty hateful and ugly shit. I am disgusted and at the same time thankful that most pro-war advocates don't share this hideous view. Notice that I said "most". Some clearly do.

Update: In an interesting comment to this posting, Murray calls me an idiot and tries to say he was quoting Stonewall Jackson and that the words aren't his own. Hmm, I don't think Gen Jackson ever said:

Just fucking carpet bomb the whole miserable fucking country now. The Iraqis have shown by their actions that they are just as evil as their leader and they are guilty either by action or inaction of maintaining the regime. They are all guilty. They have no claim on our pity on our help on our blood or our mercy.

I could be wrong, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he didn't. See Murray, some of us ARE paying attention. I'm aware that Gen Jackson said "Kill them, kill them all." But do you really think that those words are all that those of us who've linked to your bit of online psychosis took issue with? Are you really that dense?

If so, I gotta say clearly the Drug War isn't working in New Zealand.


  1. Your an idiot. You didn’t even read it did you?

    Just like all lefties you pick the bit that suits you and ignore the bits that don’t. Did I say I hate anyone? No, I went to some truoble to make the poit that I am indifferent. Only you tree hugger types have used the word hate.

    Did I say they should all be killed? Nope didn’t happen. The man you want to string up is Confederate General Stonewall Jackson. It’s called a quote. If you’re going to throw accusations at people at least do some background reading.

    The difference between me and left, I’m not happy to see allied soldiers die. You clearly are.

    3/28/2003 3:28:00 AM
    IP Address:

    EDITOR: If you are going to bloviate like an entitled jackass, I expect you to use proper spelling. You fucked it up on the very first word, Sport. “Your” is incorrect. “You are” would be “you’re”, not “your.” Thanks Dumbfuck McGee.

  2. Murray: I read the original post. Forget the “Kill them, kill them all” quote (it helps if you actually put quote marks, btw). The rest of the tirade, where you suggest carpet-bombing Iraq (I’m pretty sure that’s not a quote from Stonewall Jackson) is pure, unadultered hate. Hard to take out of context – unlike that George Orwell quote on the top of the page. There’s no justification for such words, if you changed “Iraq” for “U.S.A.” they could have come from OBL’s mouth. I think you should issue a public apology before your credibility is completely gone (it might be too late for that).

    3/28/2003 5:20:00

  3. I’m aware that Gen Jackson said “Kill them, kill them all.” But do you really think that those words are all that those of us who’ve linked to your bit of online psychosis took issue with?

    James, I am curious: if Murray only said “kill them, kill them all”, you would have been fine with that?

    1. No, I would not have been fine with that. He made an issue out of that quote not being his, so I was just pointing out that it wasn’t just that quote that was offensive. His entire posting was offensive.

      3/28/2003 7:25 PM

      1. Well, the quote below suggests otherwise, but never mind.

        Another question, if I may: apropos the title (“Ugly”): what’s your point? Did you ever think that war can be pretty?

        Fri 3/28/2003 7:28 PM

        1. Perhaps reading better would help you out. It is a great life skill.

          Actually I gave six years to country and Corps as the saying goes. So don’t fucking presume to lecture me on things with which you have no personal experience.

          Also, I’ve served in a war already. Are you dense, or simply a sociopath? It is okay to say that wholesale killing, misery, and destruction are ugly things. What is wrong with a person who doesn’t understand that?

          Later chickenhawk.

          Fri 3/28/2003 7:30 PM

          1. Excuse me? What kind of language is that? Lecture you? I would never even think about lecturing someone I have never met, let alone insulting them! I asked you a simple question, you did not have to answer it. Did anyone ever teach you manners?

            Talk about ugly.

            Fri 3/28/2003 8:47 PM

            1. No princess, your snide remark regarding war being ugly was what I referred to. Clearly, you aren’t too bright. Go back to your Barbies and 90210 reruns and stop hassling grown folk.

              Fri 3/28/2003 8:48 PM

        2. That was not a remark, you idiot, that was a fucking question. And, BTW, what are these Barbies and 90210 you speak of? I am not from here, so I would not know. See, I played with Uzis and M16 a lot when I was that age. But that was long time ago. I now have a kid who is smarter and better behaved than you are.

          Fri 3/28/2003 9:37 PM

          1. You “played” with Uzis and M16’s as a child? Really?

            Not likely, but if it were true that would explain why you are a fan of killing people and think war is a game.

            Please Alisa, get professional help. You clearly lack empathy and sound like a violent, angry person. You are a danger to your children and those around you.

            Fri 3/28/2003 9:38 PM

  4. Oh, good lord. What a goddamned idiot. He left a comment on my blog, too.

    Sheesh. But thanks for sharing. :))

    No, really! I needed a laugh. Ha.


    Fri 3/28/2003 5:50 PM

  5. I don’t know why on earth you would interpret:

    “Just fucking carpet bomb the whole miserable fucking country now. The Iraqis have shown by their actions that they are just as evil as their leader and they are guilty either by action or inaction of maintaining the regime”

    as an expression of, you know, _hate_ . . .

    That’s just how you “leftists” are! (With apologies to Oliver the liberal.) And Andrew Olmsted got annoyed with me for saying “mouth breathers.”


    Unqualified Offerings
    War, Peace, Freedom, Fish, More

    Fri 3/28/2003 6:29 PM

  6. If you’re going to missquote me and missrepresent my words Jimmy I may just crawl up your ass with a microscope.

    Any considered reply the begins with the words “Hey dumfuck” is not really going to be taken seriously.

    Is it your position that only live peeople may be quoted? Is a valid expression of extreem rage to be taken a face value simply because it suits you? You plan to charcterise an entire site on the strenght of a single post and then ignore all the others that fon’t suit you? You seem to have missed compltely that I went to some trouble to make the poit that I don’t care about Iraqi’s, not hate, totaly indiferent. You also elected not to mention my next post detailing why you will not see pictures of dead soldier on my site. Allied or Iraqi.

    You truly are a journalist, pick what suits, ignore what doesn’t and where there isn’t a story, make one.

    Finally, what exactly do you understand about war, combat and the rage it produces?

    4/1/2003 3:39:00 AM

  7. The tirade raved like a West Bank settler freakazoid about “Amalek” as I recall. I don’t think James is a leftie by the way and as an ex-Marine I think he can speak for himself on war and combat.

    War and combat promote anarchy, hate, and violence, and that is why they should be avoided except in necessity.

    And by the way, Stonewall Jackson fought on a losing side, favored slavery not liberation and was good enough of a general to get shot by his own men. And he slaughtered US soldiers for a living.

    This is your chosen inspiration?

    4/1/2003 5:22:00

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