Killing Dogs

Apparently, Cookeville officer Eric Hall, now famous for shooting a family pet on police video, has shot pets while on duty before. The difference between the current shooting, which was unprokoved and plainly wrong, and the previous ones are night and day.

In the two previous shootings made by Officer Hall, the dogs were clearly menacing and needed to be put down. In the current case, however, he acted rashly and killed a family pet without cause. There is no excuse for such behavior.

The fact that he was correct twice before doesn't make the current case any less inappropriate. I fail to see how shooting a dog for what basically amounts to wagging his tail and being friendly, is anything but wrong.

It is unfortunate that some individuals have made death threats against Officer Hall and his family. There is no excuse for such threats and I empathize with him and his family. My family endured similar death threats and vandalism to our property (from soulless demons who hopefully work hard at cleaning horse stalls nowadays) while my father was in public office in Central Illinois. However, as sympathetic as I am to Officer Hall's innocent family, I have no lack of disgust for his behavior on News Year's Day. His actions were vile and disgusting, and the resultant death threats against his family are just as vile and disgusting. But let's not use them to excuse his behavior. Some punishment for his actions are clearly in order.

And folks need to leave his home and family alone.


  1. I’n not related to this guy,as far as I know.But I’ve had a problem with a pit bull coming on to my property and attacking my dog,it’s happened twice so far,and if I see it in my yard again, it;s a dead ass.That;s the gospel according to Ed.

    1/11/2004 7:52:00

  2. I think that the killing of any animal is wrong unless the animal is causing serious harm or is a major threat.I have had a neighbor shoot and kill two of my dogs and wounded another. all small dogs and harmless. Ive been told by the police this guy did nothing wrong, when in fact he shot over a roadway, towards and occupied dwelling and almost shot my girlfriend in the process of killing one of my dogs, a 400 dollar beagle. His reason…. they was scaring off (HIS) wildlife. I didnt know land owners owned deer quail etc.People in illinois can get away with murder !! Animales dont have rights people do ???????
    Btw two of the shootings had at least two witnesses to the shooting!!

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