Letter: Senators Warner and Allen and Representative Moran on Labor/Health/Education budget

September 24, 2002

Senators Warner and Allen and Representative Moran

James Landrith

PO Box 8208

Alexandria, VA 22306-8208

September 24, 2002

The Honorable John William Warner

United States Senate

225 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-4601

The Honorable George F. Allen

United States Senate

204 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-4604

The Honorable James P. Moran

U.S House of Representatives

2239 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515-4608

Dear Senators Warner and Allen and Representative Moran:

As Congress gets set to debate the appropriate spending levels for next year’s budget, it is important that you abide by the fiscally responsible spending levels set by President Bush. More specifically, the Labor/HHS/Education appropriation recommended by the President is more than sufficient to meet the goals of the country. This Congress has provided record funding to our nation’s schools and healthcare at six times the rate of inflation. Any additional money would just be wasted to satisfy Congressional pork barrel spending. With budget deficits continuing to grow, our economy in a recession, and funding needed to fight the War on Terrorism, I urge you to vote in a fiscally responsible manner and support President Bush’s Labor/HHS/Education request.

Given the war, and the recession’s effect on the budget, please refrain from wasteful pork barrel spending and unneeded projects. And as your constituent, I ask that you not vote for one penny more than the President requested to fund next year’s Labor/Health/Education budget.


James Landrith

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