BET vs. Aaron McGruder

It seems that McGruder is burning bridges he may need later.

clipped from the press release available at the url above:

The first misguided arrow was the editorial decision by the reporter, Paul Farhi, to elevate a 25-year-old comic strip writer, Mr. McGruder, and all his irresponsible and simple-minded comments to the level of bonafide critic of all that BET Holdings has accomplished in its 20 year pioneering history. Mr. Farhi should know that McGruder previously approached BET about turning his cartoon into a BET television show and we rejected it.

The most appalling of McGruder’s reckless charges was that BET “does not serve the interest of black people.” Our response to this slanderous assertion is that the 500-plus dedicated employees of BET do more to serve the interest of African-Americans than this young man has done in his entire life.

One comment

  1. I don?t agree with everything mr. mcgruder says but it is a tragedy when a television network squeezes in public services anouncements about AIDS and Black awareness between images of barely clothed women and buckwild men in their top 20 video countdown.I know other major networks do it but BET doesn?t have to. I think americas Black youth deserve more. And youth of other cultures need to see something positive about our culture. BET can do better than this. Let the other networks show the ?shake it fast? and ?bump and grind? vidoes. They aren?t Black Entertainment Television a company that tries to help the community in one way or the other. But if the trend ccontinues more and more self respecting African americans will find themselves turning away from BET. WAKE UP BET!!!

    And one more note the constant hip hop theme is not needed in all of the programming during the after school hours, lets be more creative more open-minded, it may not be the current theme or even a popular theme but it is better than being made a mockery of. WE CAN LEARN or LISTEN without having a rap beat, ?bling?, grafitti or spinning rims in the background.

    3/28/2004 8:20:00

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