War for War for War

I’ve got one question. If we truly are going after Iraq because they could, maybe possibly become a threat to us in the future, why haven’t we gone after those nations that are already a threat? Do they just get grandfathered in and get a pass? You know, large repressive regimes, with large capable military forces. Countries like say, China?

Why are we about to mess around with a little pipsqueak of a place like Iraq, when the real fight could take place on our own West Coast. Our Navy could duke it out with their Navy. Sub vs. sub. Destroyer vs. destroyer for all the marbles. We could fight them on their home turf and they could take us on in LA, San Diego and San Francisco. It would be a great big *real war* against a great big real regime that actually IS a threat to the U.S. It’s win-win. The pro-war crowd gets their carnage, the media wouldn’t have far to travel, and we get to take out the largest remaining semi-communist nation on the planet. If we are going to beat the drum for war, then let’s stop messing around. As an added bonus, it would be good for the economy – just imagine all the ad revenue the 24 hour coverage of hundreds of thousands of Americans and Chinese fleeing the missiles would generate. Big money!

We’ve got our target right across the water from California. They’ve got nukes ALREADY. They are a giant repressive tyranny (not some little backwater, Third World joke) and constant human rights violator, they’ve threatened us in the recent past and even worse – they’re communist.

Let’s get on with it.

W A R, W A R, W A R!!!

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