Citations of previously published writings are like a gift that keeps on giving. Over the last three decades, my writing in various forms have been cited, quoted, reprinted and otherwise covered in journal articles, research papers, commentaries, books and other publications. The more you publish, the more others will read you and incorporate your ideas into their own writing.
I am not surprised at my writing for The Multiracial Activist, The Abolitionist Examiner, Good Men Project, INTERRACIAL VOICE and other publications being cited, etc. The randomness of some essays I wrote for American Military University, Illinois Central College and really old poems always makes me smile though.
Today, I followed a link from my website traffic to a publication at Petra Christian University, Indonesia. This one cited an essay I wrote in 2004 for American Military University on “The Elements of Dark Fantasy”. Now, everyone who takes this particular class at AMU has to write a similar essay. When I was attending AMU, I published copies of my better essays on my personal website. The essays on dark fantasy and my comparison of Minority Report film and book have been cited over and over and over. The Minority Report essay is linked to at Wikipedia on that topic. 🙂
Anyway, if you want to read “Still: A Screenplay Exploring Death Anxiety – The Fear of Losing a Loved One” by Maria Olivia Laurent, the link is here. My essay on dark fantasy is cited in that one, 18 years after I wrote and published it on my website. Huh.