Bob Good Wants to Spy on Your Children

Michael Pope, writing for WVTF on One Virginia congressman wants to put cameras into classrooms:

Congressman Bob Good is a Republican who represents central Virginia, and he says parents deserve to know what’s happening at Virginia schools. That’s why he’s calling for cameras in the classroom.

“School boards have to know that parents are watching, their families are watching, their voters are watching and they will hold us accountable that we reflect what they want from us when we serve and represent them,” Good says. “We want to make sure that we don’t have indoctrination going on in our schools.”

The allegation that schools are indoctrinating students is an idea rejected by Josh Throneburg. He’s the Democrat running against Congressman Good this fall. Throneburg says teachers don’t deserve this treatment.

Your GOP in the 21st Century, fascist goons keeping teachers under surveillance so they can better control what students are allowed to think.

That whole party is a domestic threat to the Constitution.


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