I have spoken before about overzealous online activists attempting to satirically victim-shame male survivors because they stupidly believe we don’t get victim-shamed appropriately. Yes, this is a fucking batshit crazy thing that is perpetrated upon us by our alleged allies. This screenshot was specifically about my own rape story after one of my HuffPost Live appearances.
While Alice did eventually apologize, this was absolutely inexcusable behavior on her part and she only apologized when she realized I was the actual survivor in the story. Please remember that survivors see your alleged satiric victim-shaming. I’m far less likely to give you the benefit of the doubt or treat your satiric shaming with kid gloves. I was far nicer to Alice than she deserved in my original response.
Don’t be Alice. You won’t always get someone responding calmly or with empathy you didn’t deserve. #metoo #metoomovement
NOTE: I left two survivor groups over gaslighting about the damage this shit does to male survivors. We are actual human beings, not props. Call it out and stop cheerleading it.