Diane Marcus, writing at LinkedIn, on “How to Lose A Top Performer in 5 Ways“:
“SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) reports that as of 2014, 86% of us in the United States were “overall satisfied” with our jobs – but only 39% of us are“very satisfied”. So as a recruiter, I look at these numbers and figure at minimum 61% of us are hitting snooze on Monday morning – and those are people who will take my call.”
“The cost of losing your best performers is hard to measure, but we all know it’s high. Whether it’s a seat that stays empty too long, a Dilbert Principle promotion, or a rushed, mediocre new hire – replacing a great employee hurts. Why not avoid it from the start?”
The “people don’t leave jobs, they leave managers” mantra is not always true, but more often than not, yeah it is the fault of management when your rockstars flee to better pastures.
I worked my ass off at a trade association in the same position for 7 years. I stayed late, worked weekends, did what I was asked whenever and took initiative to solve problems on a regular basis.
My supervisor for that entire period tried repeatedly to get my duties expanded, afford me some career growth and get me promoted. I stayed around, listened to the empty promises from above his level and then when my personal goals were changed (in violation of organizational policy handbook) by his boss on my annual review to suit her personal preferences (not really that of the organization or my own career goals), I had enough. It was clear that management was not serious about my growth and goals. After that blatant disrespect and abuse of the review process, I actively sought a better gig and found it along with a big promotion and more money. The CEO had the nerve to act surprised and shocked that I was leaving. I actually found that more obscene than the blatant manipulation of the review process for her benefit.
Being good with process and project management does not mean you are an expert or even competent in managing human beings. It is not too late to learn, but you have to put the ego away first.
You can read the rest of Diane’s excellent article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-lose-top-performer-5-ways-diane-marcus
Highly recommended