I don’t know you real well but I would agree. It takes train loads of patience dealing with politics which I don’t think I have. Anyone who knows me says I am the slowest person to get angry they know. I have a great deal of patience and compassion for ignorance but that can be fixed by education. I don’t have much patience for stupid because that is someone who is educated but chooses to stay in the dark.
I don’t know you real well but I would agree. It takes train loads of patience dealing with politics which I don’t think I have. Anyone who knows me says I am the slowest person to get angry they know. I have a great deal of patience and compassion for ignorance but that can be fixed by education. I don’t have much patience for stupid because that is someone who is educated but chooses to stay in the dark.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 10:12 pm