MR. MST President Brian Lewis has a published article in Role Reboot today:…/2014-09-military-sexual…/
“Society assumes that our military training makes us invulnerable to attacks on our person. This is a patently wrong response. Everyone is equal when the end of a weapon is pointed at you. Especially with female perpetrators, there is a huge perceived coercive effect on who will be believed as a victim.
We are also not to blame for how we mask or cope with our traumas. A lot of male survivors engage in self-destructive behaviors to forget about the shame, hurt, and despair that the trauma causes. Many survivors engage in substance abuse, promiscuous sex, abusive and/or violent relationships to block out the memories—or because they feel they are not worthy of better.”
I agree, the DOD is a criminal.
Monday, September 8, 2014 3:53 PM