Newsflash to Alex Manley: Cancer Is NOT A Privilege

An Asshole named Alex Manley writing on "No to Movember" for The Link:

Perhaps Movember has become so popular because of the way we’re treating it—like it’s a cute little initiative worth supporting, like a child with a lemonade stand. It doesn’t feel serious, because, let’s face it, it isn’t when compared to other problems.

Men, by and large, are doing okay for themselves. They’re still out-earning women by significant amounts. Cancer doesn’t exist in a vacuum—it affects the whole of a person’s life. Disease aside, the richer a person is, the better their chances are, especially in countries where your cash inflow influences the quality of your care.

Men—or any privileged group—will have an inherent advantage when it comes to beating cancer and landing on their feet than more disadvantaged people.

So this November, let’s not keep patting the Mo-Bros on the head and tolerating this childish self-involvement-fest disguised as selflessness and the propagation online and in the media of the inherent importance of North American men and their problems.

Guys—keep shaving. Educate yourselves. Get checked. Be a man about it—don’t act like you’re hard-done-by.

There are a lot of people in the world who would trade your slight risk of prostate cancer for their serious risk of being raped, being killed, starving to death, or dying of preventable diseases. Prostate cancer is a hallmark of privilege. Deal with it.

And for everyone, if you’re going to donate money somewhere this month—and I encourage you to—look around for a cause more worthy, that’ll help some group that needs it more. I assure you, you won’t have trouble finding one.

Wow, getting cancer and then getting saved from said cancer is privilege? What are you going to say to a wife who buried her husband over prostate cancer? Or a child who misses their father? That she should be happy he was privileged for so long? While the mortality rates are lower, some men still die, while others deal with painful surgeries, chemotherapy, loss of income, and the same fears that other cancer patients fight as well.

I lost a wonderful and beautiful aunt to cancer and I'm also married to a cancer survivor.  I appreciate that you have now apologized (link here), but how dare you even attempt to justify your actions. You have ZERO defense and your empathy failure is unbelievably huge. Also, did you really use rape survivors as a means of shaming men (and their family and friends) concerned about prostate cancer?  


I AM A RAPE SURVIVOR and I'm also concerned about prostate cancer.

Your empathy fail is on an epic scale.

Do you really believe that all men in North America are rich, have adequate health coverage and deserve to be mocked for being concerned about cancer? Should their partners, friends and families call you when they cannot pay the exorbitant medical bills? You gonna bankroll them, since you don't want them to get any funds, voluntarily donated from others? This is simply inexcusable and the weak apology you've offered is insufficient. Show you care by covering the issue with some empathy and maturity. Then, get out your checkbook and really show you care.

How can you even look in the mirror after writing this minimizing, taunting, childish and mean screed? This hateful article moved the term offensive to levels I cannot even begin to fathom. Apologies are meaningless in the face of such childish, callous, and hateful musings directed at cancer survivors and their supporters. You should resign but won't as you've clearly made this more about you in your apology and less about your actions. You cannot possibly explain this away with an "oops, my bad."

Megan Dolski, Opinions Editor for The Link, had this to say by way of an apology :

…as the editor of the opinions section I think it is crucial to retain the ability to publish articles that argue a point-of-view other than my own—my job is by no means to be a gatekeeper who exercises the authority to determine which opinions are “good” or “bad.” Whether or not an article jives with my ideological standpoint is an irrelevant factor in determining whether or not it makes it to print.

As an editor and publisher, I am not unfamiliar with controversial topics and strongly worded commentaries. That said, if you cannot tell the difference between thought-provoking commentary and sexist, classist, callous, outright mockery of cancer patients, then you are really not ready for this responsibility.

I appreciate that both Alex Manley and Megan Dolski have offered apologies for their roles in the mean-spirited mockery of male cancer survivors.  However, I question their sincerity given how they are still defending their actions via the "apology" offered by each.

James A. Landrith
Editor and Publisher
The Multiracial Activist
The Abolitionist Examiner

Syndicated Blogger
Taking The Gloves Off

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