If you are in need of quality web design, my friend Indigo is now in business for herself. Visit http://webernetarchitect.com/portfolio/ for more details. Send her some work!

If you are in need of quality web design, my friend Indigo is now in business for herself. Visit http://webernetarchitect.com/portfolio/ for more details. Send her some work!
Hi James, I am so glad you blogged about this. Her site is really wonderful, and she designed 2 of my blog templates. Daria (Indigo) has a great deal of potential and does wonderful work. I am sure she will appreciate you doing this plug for her. Katie
7/29/2007 13:04:00
Thank you, James, for the recommendation. I really appreciate it. Hopefully soon I\’ll be able to return the favor 🙂
And thank you Katie for your vote of confidence. You are great 🙂