Backing Off From the Nukyaler Threats

Well, writing letters can sometimes make a difference.  On June 19, 2006, Representative Edward J. Markey and fourteen other Members of Congress sent a letter to President Bush:

Global security will be greatly threatened if Iran develops nuclear weapons.  However, a U.S. pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran would likely have catastrophic consequences that would undermine U.S. security objectives – both in the Middle East and around the world.  We therefore urge you to make it clear that the U.S. is not actively considering first use of nuclear weapons against Iran in response to its efforts to obtain uranium enrichment capabilities.  We understand that in a crisis, many options – including military options – must be carefully considered.  But we believe there is still time for diplomacy, including a continuation of the dialogue that recently began over the proposal set forth by the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany. We urge you to focus your Administration's efforts on seeking a peaceful resolution of this crisis.

Of course, the U.S. (read: neo-conservative warmongers) are not really interested in a "continuation of the dialogue."  They want to spill Iranian blood – as soon as possible.  However, Jeffrey T. Berger, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs did respond to the Markey group letter on July 31, 2006:

We have sought to build a consensus that sends a strong message to the Iranian regime: it must either work on a solution, or become further isolated from the international community.  We will continue to work with the international community to seek an end to Iran's efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, and to counter Iran's support for terrorism in Lebanon and elsewhere.

Not exactly a hard-core retreat from the Bushies' crazy eyed sabre-rattling, but it may be a step in the right direction.  However, I won't be holding my breath that this matter remains in the realm of diplomats and bureacrats.  Too many conservatives and their neo-libertarian apologists (read: sellouts) are bloodlusting for war with Iran.  They want to kill, kill, kill.

So long as they don't actually have to get their own hands dirty.  Can't have that now.  It is best to leave the real work to a bunch of 19 year olds who will come home with few options and absolutely no real, substantive support from the conservatives who endlessly shout "Support the Troops" when confronted with objections or alternatives for any particular war.

You know – the usual.


Currently Listening to: 101 by Depeche Mode


One comment

  1. Am I the only one getting nervous watching Bush\’s approval rating inch back up into the forties the last few days? I guess it\’s over his (terrible) handling of the Israeli-Lebanon crisis. I\’d hate to see a scenario where this President can once again delude himself into thinking he has some sort of \’mandate\’ from the people; a mandate to drop nukes on whomever he damn well pleases for reasons he can just make up. Iran, bring\’em on? I\’m shuddering.

    Kudos on calling out the liberventionists and listening to Depeche Mode.

    8/4/2006 17:45:00

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