According to a press release sent by the Office of the House Democratic Whip:
Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD), Ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee Charlie Rangel (NY) and Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL), a member of the Judiciary Committee, today began an effort to put bipartisan pressure on the House Judiciary Committee to take up legislation that would grant the Korean War Veterans Association a Federal charter.
As a veteran of the Gulf War, I can't argue with Korean vets getting granted such status. Hoyer, Rangel and Wexler have begun circulating a letter that will be sent to House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner:
"Granting this Federal charter, at no cost to the government, is a small expression of our appreciation for the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of our forces in Korea and will afford the Association the same status as other major veteran organizations," the letter reads.
If it truly costs nothing to the taxpayers, then there should be no problem. Get it done.
Of course, this issue should be followed up by real discussions related to bringing home our newest class of veterans. Then, let's talk about the utter lack of Congressional leadership on both sides of the aisle with regard to their oversight role of the executive branch and it's warmongering.