On a discussion list I frequent one poster asked: "Can you believe these people calling citizens refugees?"
Yes, I can. Given that "refugee" actually means "one that flees" according to Merriam-Webster (and has meant that for decades) not *just* one seeking refuge across international boundaries. The form of refuge sought is not limited to another nation or simply on the basis of political persecution, although that is the most often used terminology in THIS country. The "international boundaries" definition is the politicized version of the definition spawned via the United Nations.
Some of this outrage sounds suspiciously like nationalistic bigotry. Its almost as if folks believe that American citizens are so much better than "those people", meaning political refugees from other nations. I wonder if this controversy over a perfectly acceptable human rights term would even exist if not for the fact that the majority of the population in New Orleans is non-white? Doubtful.
It reeks of making special exceptions and objections to terminology solely on the basis of skin color and nationality. There is nothing racial about seeking refuge. Further, by elevating Americans above all others it gives the unfortunate appearance of superiority and arrogance.
And maybe that's the whole point.
Further, the term has been used often in the past with reference to hurricanes (hat tip to Michelle Malkin):
…Refugees seek refuge. It's a commonplace description by newspapers, which used it to describe the victims of Hurricane Andrew.
Hurricane Charley (via Nexis):
Associated Press, August 27, 2004 Friday, "Charlie Refugees Stay in Temporary Campers"
And Hurricane Frances:
Hurricane Frances menaces Florida; refugees head to NC
And Hurricane Ivan:
South Texas Welcomes Hurricane Refugees As Thousands Flee Ivan
Associated Press, September 16, 2004, Thursday, "Arkansas overflowing with Ivan refugees"
In other words, it was okay to use the word "refugee" when referring to the majority white and Latino populations impacted by Hurricanes Frances, Ivan and Andrew. It only magically became racist when used in an equal manner to describe a population where the majority is black.
That very concept in itself is the height of racist condescension. Those promoting it should be ashamed.