I've gotten a little behind with my work at The Multiracial Activist. I've recently posted several coalition letters (co-signed by The Multiracial Activist) on the REAL ID Act, PATRIOT Act oversight and other issues:
- April 18, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Regarding PATRIOT Act Oversight html version and pdf version
April 12, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House and Senate Judiciary Committees Regarding PATRIOT Act Oversight
April 4, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to House and Senate Judiciary Committees Regarding PATRIOT Act Oversight
March 30, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to United States Senate Regarding REAL ID Act
- March 29, 2005 Joint Letter from National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women (signed by TMA) to Congress Regarding REAL ID Act and Religious Asylum MS Word version and pdf version
March 15, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to U.S. House of Representative Regarding REAL ID Act
February 9, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to U.S. House of Representatives Regarding REAL ID Act
- February 8, 2005 Joint Letter (signed by TMA) to Congress Regarding REAL ID Act and Religious Asylum html version and pdf version
Other letters signed by The Multiracial Activist are available here.