Did a little vanity Googling today and came across this interesting proposal (pdf) for:
DSE: ALPHA (Deep Space Explorer: Alpha), A self-sufficient U.S. Space Colony in orbit around the Jovian moon, Europa in the year 2093 A.D.
Apparently, the Collierville Middle School SpaceX Club in Collierville, Tennessee visited this blog a few times for research on their proposal.
Funny thing, what I posted on this blog was my own homework from the Introduction to Astronomy course at American Military University. I'm glad it was of assistance to the Collierville Middle School SpaceX Club. Its like getting two A's on the same assignment. 🙂
Of course, since they did the right thing by referencing the publications and website they used for their proposal, including the Space Exploration category of this blog, its only fair that I return the favor by mentioning their proposal in said category.
“What about the radiation from Jupiter’s magnetic field?
BTW: I’m going to check the little “Please check this box to prove you are human!” even though I have serious reservations about your biologicism. I for one welcome our alien nanotechnological artificial intelligence Overlords.”