Well, through the American Military University, I just finished the A.A. that I originally started in 1988 at Illinois Central College. Unfortunately, your Friendly Neighborhood GloveTakerOffer wasn't ready for higher education in 1988. So, he dropped out and spent six years with a bad haircut. (I promise, no more third person speech in this posting.)
As long-time readers know, I re-enrolled in college last year (December 2003) at the American Military University. With my A.A. securely in place, I'll start classes again in January to finish the remaining credit hours towards my B.A. in political science. As I stated in February 2004 and November 2003, I should finish that up by October 2005.
Then, we are all going to have a nice long chat about whether people who spend their time Taking The Gloves Off should pursue a masters, or perhaps inflict another attorney on this poor Earth.