Letter: Senators Warner and Allen on Alberto Gonzales

November 12, 2004

Letter to Senators Warner and Allen

James Landrith
PO Box 8208
Alexandria, VA 22306-8208

November 12, 2004

The Honorable John William Warner
United States Senate
225 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4601

The Honorable George F. Allen
United States Senate
204 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4604

Dear Senators Warner and Allen:

As a former Marine and veteran of the 1990-91 Gulf War, and staunch advocate of the Constitution, I am deeply concerned about the nomination of White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales.

During the confirmation process, I urge you to seek clarification from Mr. Gonzales on the following points:

1. Does he believe that the United States is bound to observe the Geneva Conventions in its treatment of individuals detained in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere? Does he now reject the view that these obligations are obsolete or quaint?

2. Does he believe that the International Committe of the Red Cross should have access to all detainees held in U.S. custody, as required by the Geneva Conventions? Does he favor discontinuing the practice of holding people in secret detention?

3. Would he uphold the U.S. Government’s legal obligations under the Consitution and the UN Convention Against Torture prohibiting all forms of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment? Would he vigorously prosecute any U.S. official who has violated these laws?

4. Would he favor the establishment of a bi-partisan independent Commission, appointed by Congress, to investigate the abuses at Abu Ghraib and in other detention facilities around the world?

5. Does he now reject the view that the President’s commander-in-chief authority allows the Executive branch to order torture or other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment?

As a military man who understands the importance of the Geneva Conventions, I urge you to include a close scrutiny of his answers to these critical questions in your decision on his confirmation.


James Landrith

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