June 3, 2004 Letter to President Bush, Senators Warner and Allen and Representative Moran
PO Box 8208
Alexandria, VA 22306-8208
June 3, 2004
The Honorable John William Warner
United States Senate
225 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4601
The Honorable George F. Allen
United States Senate
204 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4604
The Honorable James P. Moran
U.S House of Representatives
2239 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4608
Dear Senators Warner and Allen and Representative Moran:
As your constituent, I urge you to attend an important briefing on June 17 regarding the benefits herbs and other dietary supplements provide to about 200 million Americans like me.
Dietary supplements, including herbal products, provide a safe, affordable and effective way for most Americans to maintain and improve their health. But these products are under attack and news headlines are misinforming and misleading our nation’s decision makers. In fact, there are currently bills in both the House and Senate that will limit our ability to make health choices.
Get the other side of the story by attending the Herbal Alternatives issue briefing on June 17 with renowned herbalist Dr. James Duke. The meeting will take place at noon in the Rayburn Gold Room (2168 Rayburn). For more information about this event, which is sponsored by Citizens for Health, call (202) 483-4344.
James Landrith