The Ghost of Gulf War Future

The Guardian on 'Gulf war syndrome' soldiers threaten legal action:

Four soldiers have threatened to sue the Ministry of Defence after suffering symptoms similar to "Gulf war syndrome", their lawyer said today.

The men believe the vaccinations they received before the war caused their symptoms, which include depression, eczema, breathing difficulties and stomach problems.

Solicitor Mark McGhee, representing the unidentified four, told the BBC: "I personally have dealt with well in excess of 400 Gulf war one veterans. The symptoms which these individuals are experiencing are identical to those of the individuals I represent in relation to the first Gulf war conflict."

Expect more of this in the next 2 or 3 years as American and UK troops start getting sicker and sicker for no apparent reason. Everyone pay close attention to those who lobbied hardest for war. If you can find them. You see, when the war is on, those in favor of the conflict are everywhere. When veterans start getting sick, you'll find the pro-war crowd in short supply or nowhere to be found.

"Me, support the war? Well, I stood with the president there pal! Didn't you or are you a traitor? Oh, sick vets you say? Some have died? Umm, I've just remembered that I have a meeting. I can't talk right now. Good luck with that Gulf War Syndrome thing. Gotta go!" Today you may laugh or call me paranoid. But in the end you'll see I'm right.

Link courtesy of Yahoo! Groups – Desert Storm Vets.

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