Ronald Bronson, who has written in the past for The Multiracial Activist and The Abolitionist Examiner, weighs in on diversity and Jayson Blair in The Schoolhouse Review:
Diversity needs to be less about filling quotas or sprinkling our lives with a little color for good measure. Diversity is not a tan that you get in the summertime, to keep from being too pale. It’s about people’s lives and about opportunity. Talented individuals come in all shapes, sizes and colors. We all have a responsibility to think outside of the box and to recognize achievement that pushes the envelope and that challenges our conceptions of what excellence is supposed to look like. However, such vigilance does not give us the right to apply standards unfairly on those who we root for, like we cheer on our favorite athletes. By applying the same rigorous standards and seeing them succeed – that rising to the occasion that personifies excellence in its highest measure – is the sweetest victory of all.
Well said Ron.
Thanks for the read and the reply. I’m going to try to expand on it this week and send it to you for next month. Thanks for the offer. 🙂