Hurry Up and Wait

Okay, I sometimes think that I get a little testy with impatient folks. I also get testy with those who rush to knock you down to board the Metro. What do these "board at all costs" folks do then? They immediately pass through the hatch, but then insist on being unable to find a seat or even moving to the side, forcing everyone else to attempt to flow around them. Why? Why in the name of all that is beautiful and just would you do such a thing? Then there are folks who'll damn near run you off the road to pass and then slow down under the speed limit once they've passed you. Once again, why? Why? Why?

I ain't got nothing on this lady. She's beyond testy. I can't blame her. I'd be pissed too if some impatient, arrogant asshole was constantly tapping her foot and sighing her head off behind me as if to blame me for all the world's slowdowns and backlogs. I might even find myself employing some of the monkeywrench techniques she mentioned.

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