Question from a poster on MovableType Support Forum:
When I use MT, I am frequently getting a browser page error that states 'The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.'
This happens whenever I try to use MT. I may be trying to post an entry, change my user information, or modify a template… When this happens, I can sometimes complete my action by refreshing the page, but often, whatever work I just did is lost.
Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? I have version 2.51. Do I really need to upgrade? (Ugh — I'm really technically challenged…)
I get the same error after adding a new entry or editing an previous entry. It doesn't happen everytime, but it happens enough to be a bother. Sometimes a session will go flawlessly, more often though, I'll get a few "Page cannot be displayed" errors. My CGI Path in mt.cfg is correct, nothing in error there. Even though I get the "Page cannot be displayed" error, the changes are indeed getting saved. I just have to go back to the mt login page or view my website to verify. What's the deal? Could it be a server issue?
This entry also posted on MovableType Support Forum.