The latest tactic taken against the Racial Privacy Initiative by it's detractors? They now want to tie up the op-ed pages of papers like the San Francisco Chronicle with conspiracy theories that because Connerly hasn't released the American Civil Rights Coalition's (ACRC) complete donor list then the world will end. Or something like that.
It's patently obvious that the detractors wish to engage in these silly types of games rather than engage the RPI on it's merits. Public opinion is not on their side so they've taken to these types of distraction techniques. Fortunately, the Chronicle has at least a little bit of integrity left and they let Kevin Nguyen, Executive Director of the American Civil Rights Institute respond. I've talked to Kevin many times and if the detractors of the RPI think they'll have an easy time beating it with these types of tactics, they are sadly mistaken. Kevin comes across as a nice, easy-going guy. He also comes across as extremely focused and determined. He's the right man to lead the fight and these types of silly games are NOT going to get the RPI derailed.