From a posting on alt.politics.british:
The crimes Against Humanity currently being committed against the peace loving people of Iraq are an excellent illustration of the Craven Cowardice of the US govt and their British lickspittle lackies. Instead of going in and fighting face to face like Aryan Men, they bombard the country with missiles from the safety of war ships out at sea and submarines far below the surface !. The COWARDS know that sending in their multiracial forces against the highly trained fanatical Iraqi soldier would result in a blood bath. Remember ‘Desert Storm’ the performance of the ground troop’s who actually met the Iraqi’s was to say the least piss poor, even the British ‘Special Air Service’ who boast about being the world’s best, got their asses well and truly kicked from one end of Iraq to the other! Most of the casualties were due to “friendly fire” from the incompetent American’s.
Do you really believe that crap? I was there in the Gulf War. The Republican Guard turned tail and ran as soon as the Army and Marines burst into Kuwait City. That is of course, after they finished raping little girls and decapitating their parents in public.
Get a grip. Defenders of child rape, like you, are the worst kind of world citizen. Please do us all a favor and educate yourself on what really happened in the Gulf War, instead of letting the Republican Guard brainwash you.
This entry also posted at alt.politics.british.
UPDATE: This posting was made long before I came to realize the futility and inhumanity of regime change and interventionist wars. This is not reflective of my current state of mind.